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Voice for Science and Solidarity on Monkeypox

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 23:47

Monkeypox Outbreak in Nigeria

Monkeypox is a rare viral disease that is similar to smallpox, but less severe. It is transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals, such as monkeys, rodents, and squirrels. The disease was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and since then, there have been sporadic outbreaks in Central and West African countries.

Recently, Nigeria has been experiencing a surge in monkeypox cases, with over 300 suspected cases reported in 2021 alone. The outbreak has been linked to the consumption of bushmeat, which is a common practice in Nigeria and other African countries. The disease can also be transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets or contact with bodily fluids.

Challenges in Controlling the Outbreak

The monkeypox outbreak in Nigeria has presented several challenges in terms of controlling the spread of the disease. One of the main challenges is the lack of awareness and knowledge about the disease among the general population. Many people in Nigeria are not familiar with monkeypox and its symptoms, which can make it difficult to identify and isolate infected individuals.

Another challenge is the limited resources and infrastructure for disease surveillance and control in Nigeria. The country has a weak healthcare system, with inadequate funding and staffing, which can make it difficult to respond effectively to outbreaks. In addition, there is a shortage of diagnostic tools and treatments for monkeypox, which can delay diagnosis and treatment.

The Importance of Science and Solidarity

To address the monkeypox outbreak in Nigeria, it is crucial to prioritize science and solidarity. This means investing in research and development of diagnostic tools and treatments for monkeypox, as well as strengthening disease surveillance and control measures. It also means promoting awareness and education about the disease among the general population, healthcare workers, and policymakers.

In addition, international solidarity is essential for controlling the spread of monkeypox in Nigeria and other affected countries. This includes providing financial and technical support to strengthen healthcare systems and disease control measures, as well as sharing knowledge and expertise among countries. It also means addressing the root causes of the outbreak, such as the consumption of bushmeat and deforestation, through sustainable and equitable solutions.

In conclusion, the monkeypox outbreak in Nigeria highlights the importance of science and solidarity in addressing global health challenges. By prioritizing research, education, and international cooperation, we can work towards a world where outbreaks like monkeypox are rare and easily controlled

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Monkeypox | Voice for Science and Solidarity

You can download the article in pdf here or read the full text belowVaccination of vulnerable groups against monkeypox virus (MPV) in a highly C-19 vaccinated population will drive adaptive evolution of MPV and ignite multi-country epidemics in poorly C-19 vaccinated countries ‍Exposure of a highly C-19 vaccinated population to monkeypox virus (MPV) spilling over from an animal reservoir promotes asymptomatic human-to-human transmission in susceptible sexual minority communities (SMCs). MPV infection in SMCs could therefore evolve more infectious viral variants that spread to all parts of a highly C-19 vaccinated population and thereby prevent establishment of herd immunity Increasing numbers of outbreaks of human monkeypox have been reported from across central and west Africa over the last 3-4 decades. Zoonotic

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