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LGBTQ Activists Celebrate Mother’s Day by Emphasizing Trans Women’s Ability to be Mothers

Published On: 15. Mai 2023 7:27


Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the love and care of mothers. However, for many LGBTQ+ families, the traditional idea of a mother is not always applicable. This year, LGBTQ+ activists are going all in on Mother’s Day to celebrate the diversity of motherhood and highlight the struggles faced by trans women who are also mothers.

Trans Women Can Be Moms Too

The LGBTQ+ community has long been fighting for the recognition of trans women as mothers. Many trans women who have given birth are often misgendered and referred to as „fathers“ on their child’s birth certificate. This not only erases their identity as women but also creates legal and social barriers for them and their families.

To address this issue, LGBTQ+ activists are pushing for legal reforms to allow trans women to be recognized as mothers on their child’s birth certificate. They are also raising awareness about the unique challenges faced by trans women who are mothers, such as discrimination, harassment, and lack of access to healthcare.

Celebrating the Diversity of Motherhood

Mother’s Day is not just about celebrating biological mothers but also about recognizing the diverse forms of motherhood. LGBTQ+ families come in all shapes and sizes, and many children are raised by two mothers, two fathers, or non-binary parents.

This year, LGBTQ+ activists are using Mother’s Day to celebrate the diversity of motherhood and highlight the importance of inclusive language and policies. They are encouraging people to use gender-neutral terms like „parent“ or „caregiver“ instead of assuming someone’s gender or family structure.


Mother’s Day is a time to honor and appreciate the love and care of mothers. However, it is also an opportunity to recognize the diversity of motherhood and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. LGBTQ+ activists are using this occasion to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by trans women who are mothers and to celebrate the diversity of motherhood in all its forms. By promoting inclusive language and policies, we can create a more accepting and supportive society for all families

Original article Teaser

‘Trans Women Can Be Moms Too’: LGBTQ Activists Go All in on Mother’s Day

LGBTQ activists spouted far-left talking points in celebration of Mother’s Day on Sunday by sharing memes and videos about how fathers can be mothers too. In one video shared by Libs of TikTok, a man who identifies as a woman said America should have a “Parents Day.” “There’s two different days of the year that I question. There’s Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. As a trans person, as a trans woman, which one do I celebrate? I don’t feel like a father. Mother’s Day is tomorrow, I feel like a mom, but who celebrates me?” he asked rhetorically. “I just genuinely want to know is there other people out there that you don’t know which one you fall under. Are

Details to ‘Trans Women Can Be Moms Too’: LGBTQ Activists Go All in on Mother’s Day

Categories: Quellen, Schweizer ZeitungTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 23
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