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Poll: Large Amounts of Adolescents Learning About BDSM and Women’s Ability to Possess Penises

Published On: 15. Mai 2023 7:36


A recent poll conducted by the Christian Institute has revealed that a significant number of teenagers in the UK are being taught about BDSM and gender identity issues in school. The poll surveyed 1,013 parents of children aged between 11 and 18 and found that 40% of parents were concerned about the content of sex education lessons in schools.

BDSM in Schools

The poll found that 12% of parents were aware that their child had been taught about BDSM in school. BDSM stands for bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism. It is a form of sexual expression that involves consensual power play between partners. While some people enjoy BDSM, it is not a mainstream sexual practice and can be controversial.

The inclusion of BDSM in sex education lessons has sparked debate among parents and educators. Some argue that it is important for young people to learn about different sexual practices and preferences in order to make informed decisions about their own sexuality. Others believe that BDSM is inappropriate for young people and should not be taught in schools.

Gender Identity Issues

The poll also found that 10% of parents were aware that their child had been taught about gender identity issues in school. This includes topics such as transgenderism and non-binary gender identities. Some schools have introduced lessons on gender identity in order to promote inclusivity and support for transgender and non-binary students.

However, the inclusion of gender identity issues in sex education lessons has also been controversial. Some parents argue that it is not appropriate for young children to be taught about gender identity and that it may confuse them. Others believe that it is important for young people to learn about different gender identities in order to promote acceptance and understanding.


The poll conducted by the Christian Institute highlights the ongoing debate around sex education in schools. While some parents are concerned about the content of sex education lessons, others believe that it is important for young people to learn about different sexual practices and gender identities in order to make informed decisions about their own sexuality and to promote inclusivity and understanding.

Ultimately, the decision about what to include in sex education lessons should be made by educators and parents working together to ensure that young people receive accurate and age-appropriate information. It is important to remember that sex education is not just about teaching young people about sex, but also about promoting healthy relationships, consent, and respect for others

Original article Teaser

Poll: Huge Numbers of Teenagers Being Taught About BDSM, How Women Can Have Penises

A poll of teenagers in the UK has found that more than half knew someone in school who wants to change their gender or who had already done so, while large numbers are being taught about BDSM and how women can have penises. The survey, conducted by the Civitas think tank, lifts the lid on the shocking level of indoctrination 16 to 18-year-olds have been exposed to under the guise of sex education. The numbers clearly indicate how deeply transgender activism has penetrated the education system. – 67 per cent have been taught that sex is assigned at birth – 32 per cent have been taught that a woman can have a penis – 20 per cent have been taught

Details to Poll: Huge Numbers of Teenagers Being Taught About BDSM, How Women Can Have Penises

Categories: Quellen, Schweizer ZeitungTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 17
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