can-the-virus-evolve-as-predicted-by-geert,-or-is-it-possible-for-the-situation-to-calm-down?-–-q&a-#26-|-voice-for-science-and-solidarityCan the Virus Evolve as Predicted by Geert, or is it Possible for the Situation to Calm Down? - Q&A #26 | Voice for Science and Solidarity
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Voice for Science and Solidarity: VSS Scientific Updates in the Pandemic Era #55

Published On: 15. Mai 2023 6:02


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of life, including scientific research. The Voice for Science and Solidarity (VSS) is an organization that aims to promote scientific research and collaboration. In this article, we will discuss the updates provided by VSS during the pandemic.

Updates on Scientific Research

The pandemic has caused significant disruptions in scientific research. Many labs have had to shut down, and researchers have had to work from home. However, VSS has been providing updates on the latest research related to COVID-19. They have been sharing information on the latest treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. They have also been providing updates on the latest research related to the impact of the pandemic on mental health.

VSS has been encouraging scientists to collaborate and share their research findings. They have been organizing virtual conferences and webinars to facilitate collaboration among scientists. They have also been providing funding opportunities for researchers who are working on COVID-19 related projects.

Updates on Advocacy

VSS has been advocating for the importance of scientific research during the pandemic. They have been urging governments to prioritize funding for scientific research related to COVID-19. They have also been advocating for the importance of science-based decision making in the response to the pandemic.

VSS has been working with other organizations to advocate for the importance of science in the response to the pandemic. They have been collaborating with organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Science Council (ISC) to promote the importance of scientific research and collaboration.

Updates on Solidarity

VSS has been promoting solidarity among scientists during the pandemic. They have been encouraging scientists to share their knowledge and expertise with each other. They have also been promoting the importance of supporting scientists who have been affected by the pandemic.

VSS has been working with other organizations to provide support for scientists who have been affected by the pandemic. They have been providing funding opportunities for scientists who have lost their jobs or have had their research projects disrupted by the pandemic. They have also been providing mental health support for scientists who have been affected by the pandemic.


In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on scientific research. However, organizations such as VSS have been providing updates, advocacy, and solidarity for scientists during these challenging times. It is essential to continue to support scientific research and collaboration to find solutions to the pandemic and other global challenges

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VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #55 | Voice for Science and Solidarity

1. Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’?Burton said: “We will have that vaccine and it will be highly effective, and it will save many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives. I think we will be able to offer personalized cancer vaccines against multiple different tumor types to people around the world.” Geert: “Yes, you all understood the title correctly: Vaccines causing heart disease and cancer (and even auto-immune disease as highlighted in the article) will be ‘ready by end of the decade’.In fact, some of those are already up and running. ‘Yes’, not kidding, I am talking about the mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines.As a seasoned vaccinologist, I could never understand how one could possibly

Details to VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #55 | Voice for Science and Solidarity

Categories: Quellen, The CradleTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 18
can-the-virus-evolve-as-predicted-by-geert,-or-is-it-possible-for-the-situation-to-calm-down?-–-q&a-#26-|-voice-for-science-and-solidarityCan the Virus Evolve as Predicted by Geert, or is it Possible for the Situation to Calm Down? - Q&A #26 | Voice for Science and Solidarity
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