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US Behorde genehmigt Musk Unternehmen Neuralink Chip Versuche am menschlichen Hirn

Published On: 26. Mai 2023 14:14

Inhumane human experiments or future-oriented science? This question should be clarified by the US health authority FDA. Now, the FDA has approved the test phase of implanting computer chips in human brains. Source: Gettyimages.ru © NurPhoto / Kontributor

For some time now, the neurotechnology company Neuralink, founded by the versatile entrepreneur and multi-billionaire Elon Musk years ago, has been waiting for an official, urgently needed approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On May 26, the company was able to announce via Twitter, which is also owned by Elon Musk: „We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study!“

The management of Neuralink – as well as Elon Musk himself as the prominent face of this and other future technologies – see the upcoming experiments and studies as „an important first step that will one day allow our technology to help many people“. Critics of the planned chip implants in human brains, on the other hand, see them as pure experiments for the most profound manipulation of humans to date. Last year, a first application for approval of such a study was rejected by the FDA due to safety concerns.

Under reference to the previous negative decision of the FDA, whose exact results and objections were never published by the company Neuralink, according to information from the US website Extreme Tech, the most important criticism was as follows: „For example, the FDA demanded that the company confirm that the ultra-fine electrodes, of which more than 1,000 will be implanted in the brains of the first test subjects of Neuralink, will not migrate over time. Neuralink must also demonstrate that the implant can be removed without damaging the brain.“

Neuralink’s goals and plans

Elon Musk, as founder and CEO of Neuralink, emphasized in December 2022 that the studies on the human brain should achieve that the implants produced by Neuralink „would allow direct communication with computers through thoughts“. However, the busy billionaire assured the public at an event: „We want to be extremely careful and make sure it works well before we implant a device in a human being.“ He also let those present know that he himself was interested in getting a chip implanted. The chip technology is primarily intended for therapeutic purposes, such as in paralysis or other neurological diseases. According to company information, the start-up Neuralink is currently developing further implants that are also intended to be implanted in the spinal cord or retina of the eyes to restore mobility or vision to people.

Criticism and concerns

Until the recent approval by the FDA, Neuralink had only conducted experiments on vertebrates. But even for that, Musk was heavily criticized by critics. The recruitment of test patients and study participants has not yet begun, Neuralink assured with the announcement. And they will „soon“ make more information public.

About Neuralink

Neuralink is a US neurotechnology company founded in July 2016 by Elon Musk and eight other investors. The goal of Neuralink is to develop technical means of communication between the human brain and computers, thus another, but so-called invasive variant of a brain-computer interface

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US-Behörde genehmigt Musk-Unternehmen Neuralink Chip-Versuche am menschlichen Hirn

Inhumane Menschenversuche oder zukunftsorientierte Wissenschaft? Diese Frage sollte US-Gesundheitsbehörde FDA klären. Nun erfolgte eine Zulassung der FDA für die Testphase des Einpflanzens von Computerchips in menschliche Gehirne. Quelle: Gettyimages.ru © NurPhoto / KontributorSeit geraumer Zeit wartete das vom vielseitigen Unternehmer und Multimilliardär Elon Musk vor Jahren gegründete Neurotechnologie-Unternehmens Neuralink auf eine offizielle, dringend erforderliche Zustimmung der US-amerikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Am 26. Mai konnte das Unternehmen nun über Twitter, das ebenfalls Elon Musk gehört, verkünden:“Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir von der FDA die Genehmigung zum Start unserer ersten klinischen Studie am Menschen erhalten haben!“We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study!This is the

Details zu US-Behörde genehmigt Musk-Unternehmen Neuralink Chip-Versuche am menschlichen Hirn

Categories: Deutsch, Quellen, Russia TodayTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 8
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