
(note:-this-is-already-in-german-without-special-characters-and-punctuation-marks-if-you-meant-to-ask-for-it-to-be-rewritten-with-proper-punctuation-and-special-characters,-please-let-me-know.)Selbstentlarvung STIKO Chef legt Impf Opfern Verschweigen nahe. (Note: This is already in German without special characters and punctuation marks. If you meant to ask for it to be rewritten with proper punctuation and special characters, please let me know.)
dr-maximilian-krah-(afd)-die-cdu-luegt-und-ist-eine-linke-parteiDr Maximilian Krah (AfD) Die CDU lügt und ist eine linke Partei

Was eine Yale-Studie ueber Herzerkrankungen nach mRNA-Injektionen verrät

Published On: 1. Juni 2023 13:08

Potentially life-threatening heart inflammations such as myocarditis (heart muscle) or pericarditis (heart sac) are among the most common known side effects of mRNA treatments, also known as „corona vaccination“. Although their occurrence is often referred to as „very rare“, this is only partially true and can be misleading for another reason. By definition, a side effect is considered „very rare“ if it occurs in less than 1 out of 10,000 cases. However, in the case of „vaccination“, these numbers are often significantly higher, especially among younger age groups and men. In addition, the supposedly „very rare“ cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA treatment occur much more frequently than with traditional vaccinations. A group of researchers from the renowned Yale University has now tried to shed light on why this is the case, but they have only partially succeeded.

The positive news is that they now believe they know the processes that can trigger the two forms of heart inflammation after vaccination. However, it remains unclear why the heart is primarily affected and why some groups are more affected than others. The researchers have identified an overreaction of the immune system as the cause of vaccine-induced myocarditis or pericarditis. In other words, instead of sensitizing the immune system to a specific pathogen, in this case SARS-CoV-2, the body’s defenses can spiral out of control. This happens apparently much more frequently with the corona „vaccination“ than with established vaccinations.

The authors of the study attribute this to several factors. Firstly, the specific composition of the „vaccine“, namely the fat particles in the shell of the mRNA molecules and their components themselves. Secondly, healthy cells in tissues and organs are also attacked as part of the immune system’s overreaction, especially those of the heart. The study also shows that mRNA molecules play a significant role in heart inflammation. According to the study, injections of the mRNA-rich Moderna „vaccine“ resulted in more side effects than Biontech and Pfizer, across all age groups. In the group of 18- to 29-year-old men, there were 25 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis per 100,000 injections, which is a „rare“ event (1 to 10 cases per 10,000 injections) by definition. However, other data has shown a much stronger increase in cases of both myocarditis and pericarditis in temporal association with the vaccination – not

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Was eine Yale-Studie über Herzerkrankungen nach mRNA-Injektionen verrät …

Von Kai Rebmann Potenziell lebensbedrohliche Herzentzündungen wie Myokarditis (Herzmuskel) oder Perikarditis (Herzbeutel) zählen zu den häufigsten bekannten Nebenwirkungen der mRNA-Behandlungen, von manchen auch „Corona-Impfung“ genannt. Zwar wird deren Auftreten gerne als „sehr selten“ bezeichnet, was aber erstens nur teilweise stimmt und zweitens noch aus einem anderen Grund in die Irre führt. Als „sehr selten“ gilt eine Nebenwirkung per Definition schon dann, wenn sie bei weniger als 1 von 10.000 Fällen auftritt. Bei der „Impfung“ liegen diese Zahlen aber zumindest in den jüngeren Altersgruppen, und vor allem unter Männern, oft deutlich höher. Darüber hinaus kommen die vermeintlich „sehr seltenen“ Fälle von Myokarditis und Perikarditis nach einer mRNA-Behandlung deutlich häufiger vor als bei klassischen Impfungen. Weshalb das so ist, versuchte jetzt eine

Details zu Was eine Yale-Studie über Herzerkrankungen nach mRNA-Injektionen verrät …


(note:-this-is-already-in-german-without-special-characters-and-punctuation-marks-if-you-meant-to-ask-for-it-to-be-rewritten-with-proper-punctuation-and-special-characters,-please-let-me-know.)Selbstentlarvung STIKO Chef legt Impf Opfern Verschweigen nahe. (Note: This is already in German without special characters and punctuation marks. If you meant to ask for it to be rewritten with proper punctuation and special characters, please let me know.)
dr-maximilian-krah-(afd)-die-cdu-luegt-und-ist-eine-linke-parteiDr Maximilian Krah (AfD) Die CDU lügt und ist eine linke Partei