afd-auf-neuer-rekordhohe-mit-19-prozent-gleichauf-mit-der-spdAfD auf neuer Rekordhohe mit 19 Prozent gleichauf mit der SPD
riley-gaines-unterstuetzt-desantis-fuer-das-praesidentenamt:-„es-ist-das-richtige-fuer-frauenRiley Gaines unterstützt DeSantis für das Präsidentenamt: "Es ist das Richtige für Frauen

Pathologe Arne Burkhardt gestorben

Published On: 3. Juni 2023 15:32

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt was an early warning voice regarding possible side effects of mRNA injections in humans. Throughout the entire period of the Corona crisis, the recognized pathologist had to be titled as a „Corona denier“, „conspiracy theorist“ and „querdenker“ in the media. Now Burkhardt has passed away. © Screenshot:

The recognized and renowned pathologist Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt passed away at the age of 79. Dr. Burkhardt gained wider attention through his lectures on the topic of „autopsies after Corona deaths“, where he early on, as one of the first scientists in Germany, also critically examined the effects of novel mRNA technologies on the human organism. This happened within the framework of a relevant pathology conference in 2021. Due to his calm, factual and well-founded, but critical and unwanted admonitions, Burkhardt quickly became the focus of media and political supporters of measures such as the feared blog „Volksverpetzer“ as well as the so-called „fact-checkers“ of public media. In various articles and broadcasts, he was referred to as unscientific and placed in a group with „violent vaccine opponents“.

A relevant interview with Burkhardt, in which he explained the allegations of unscientificity, was deleted shortly before it reached 100,000 views, on the grounds that it supposedly violated YouTube guidelines. A published quote from the scientist reads: „I wouldn’t have gone to this trouble if I didn’t have significant concerns that something is coming our way that could have serious consequences for all of us and our society – Prof. Arne Burkhardt.“

H2: Tribute to Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt

The association „Medics and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy“ (MWGFD) wrote about Burkhardt’s death: „He embodied fearlessness and honesty. He returned from retirement to put his life in the service of people and humanity. His work has confirmed all our predictions about the dangers of vaccination and backed them up with scientific data.“

Lawyer Holger Fischer noted in a post: „Those who had the pleasure of meeting him noticed, in addition to his always secure expertise, his polite manners, his unpretentious demeanor, his modesty. He never had to show off, because what he presented as evidence was not scientifically refutable.“

H2: Burkhardt’s last interview

One of his last interviews Burkhardt gave in April to the Austrian broadcaster Auf1. The title of the contribution is: „I see excess mortality due to mRNA vaccination“.

Through the blocking of RT, the EU aims to silence a critical, non-Western source of information. And not only with regard to the Ukraine war. Access to our website has been made difficult, several social media platforms have blocked our accounts. It is now up to all of us whether journalism beyond the mainstream narratives can continue to be practiced in Germany and the EU. If you like our articles, please share them everywhere you are active. This is possible because the EU has not banned our work or the reading and sharing of our articles. Note: However, Austria introduced a change to the „Audiovisual Media Services Act“ on April 13th, which may also affect private individuals. Therefore, we ask you not to share our contributions on social media in Austria for the time being until the matter is clarified

Original Artikel Teaser

Pathologe Arne Burkhardt gestorben

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt galt als früher Mahner hinsichtlich möglicher Folgewirkungen durch mRNA-Injektionen bei Menschen. Über den gesamten Zeitraum der Corona-Krise musste sich auch der anerkannte Pathologe medial als „Coronaleugner“, „Schwurbler“ und „Querdenker“ titulieren lassen. Nun ist Burkhardt verstorben. © Screenshot: pathologie-konferenz.deDer anerkannte und renommierte Pathologe Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt ist im Alter von 79 Jahren verstorben. Breitere Aufmerksamkeit erfuhr Dr. Burkhardt durch seine Vorträge zum Thema „Obduktionen nach Corona-Todesfall“, wobei er sich damit frühzeitig als einer der ersten Wissenschaftler in Deutschland auch mit den Auswirkungen der neuartigen mRNA-Technologien auf den menschlichen Organismus kritisch auseinandersetzte. So geschehen im Rahmen einer diesbezüglichen Pathologie-Konferenz im Jahr 2021. Burkhardt geriet aufgrund seiner ruhigen, sachlichen und fundierten, jedoch kritischen und unerwünschten mahnenden Darlegungen

Details zu Pathologe Arne Burkhardt gestorben

Categories: Corona, Deutsch, Medien, Quellen, Russia Today, UkraineTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 27
afd-auf-neuer-rekordhohe-mit-19-prozent-gleichauf-mit-der-spdAfD auf neuer Rekordhohe mit 19 Prozent gleichauf mit der SPD
riley-gaines-unterstuetzt-desantis-fuer-das-praesidentenamt:-„es-ist-das-richtige-fuer-frauenRiley Gaines unterstützt DeSantis für das Präsidentenamt: "Es ist das Richtige für Frauen