wir-kaempfen-spirituell:-harris-faulkner-kritisiert-„verruecktes-linkes-wissenschaftsexperiment-an-frauen-und-kindernWir kämpfen spirituell: Harris Faulkner kritisiert "verrücktes linkes Wissenschaftsexperiment an Frauen und Kindern
randpapier-wird-umgesetzt-kiew-soll-nord-stream-gesprengt-habenRandpapier wird umgesetzt Kiew soll Nord Stream gesprengt haben

Deagels 2025 Bevölkerungsprognose trifft aufgrund von Millionen von überzähligen Todesfällen, Unfruchtbarkeit und einem enormen Anstieg der Kindersterblichkeit aufgrund der Covid-19-Impfung zu

Published On: 7. Juni 2023 7:59

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Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target due to Millions of Excess Deaths, Infertility & huge surge in Child Deaths due to Covid-19 Vaccination

Breaking News A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, recently gained attention for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event by 2025. While initially dismissed as a speculative estimation, current events and emerging trends have led many to question whether there may be more to Deagel’s forecast than meets the eye. Recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and various European countries have brought forth troubling revelations, among which is confirmation of a staggering number of excess deaths, reaching over two million since the mass roll-out of Covid-19 injections. A troubling 120,000 excess deaths have also been recorded among the USA’s infants, children and young adults as of

Details to Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target due to Millions of Excess Deaths, Infertility & huge surge in Child Deaths due to Covid-19 Vaccination

wir-kaempfen-spirituell:-harris-faulkner-kritisiert-„verruecktes-linkes-wissenschaftsexperiment-an-frauen-und-kindernWir kämpfen spirituell: Harris Faulkner kritisiert "verrücktes linkes Wissenschaftsexperiment an Frauen und Kindern
randpapier-wird-umgesetzt-kiew-soll-nord-stream-gesprengt-habenRandpapier wird umgesetzt Kiew soll Nord Stream gesprengt haben