flugpreise-nach-asien-und-australien-um-42,5-prozent-gestiegen-im-vergleich-zum-vorjahrFlugpreise nach Asien und Australien um 42,5 Prozent gestiegen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr
nick-dixon-und-toby-young-sprechen-ueber-die-boshaftigkeit-von-stop-funding-hate,-den-suspendierten-konservativen-stadtrat,-der-einwaende-gegen-den-pride-erhob,-und-die-linksliberale-heuchelei,-die-im-huw-edwards-skandal-zum-vorschein-kommtNick Dixon und Toby Young sprechen über die Boshaftigkeit von Stop Funding Hate, den suspendierten konservativen Stadtrat, der Einwände gegen den Pride erhob, und die linksliberale Heuchelei, die im Huw Edwards-Skandal zum Vorschein kommt

Immer weniger Strom trotz zunehmender Nutzung von „Erneuerbaren

Published On: 19. Juli 2023 0:35

Photovoltaic modules and wind farms are weather-dependent and generate fluctuating yields. Photo: iStock Although more and more wind and solar plants are being built, the electricity output is suddenly stagnating – and even declining. This is shown by data from the Fraunhofer Institute. Many people are not convinced by the German energy transition. Germany is building more and more wind turbines and photovoltaic systems, so the stock of these energy sources is constantly growing. This should actually lead to a constant increase in electricity output. However, new data from the Fraunhofer Institute now show that this is not always the case. According to this, Germany used six percentage points more electricity from „renewable“ energy sources from January to June 2023 than in the same period of the previous year. On the other hand, the share of fossil energy sources (coal, gas, etc.) decreased significantly, as reported by „Bild“. Nevertheless, the amount of electricity from wind turbines and solar systems has not increased – in fact, it has even decreased compared to the first half of 2022. While the amount of electricity from „renewable“ sources was still 130 terawatt hours (TWh) in the first half of 2022, it was only 129 TWh in the same period this year. Similarly, in the first half of 2023, all power plants in Germany produced significantly less electricity, only 224 TWh. In the first half of the previous year, they still managed 252 TWh. Why the electricity output is decreasing For this extraordinary development, Prof. Bruno Burger from the Fraunhofer Institute cites two main reasons, according to „Blackout News“. The first is that there are many older plants in this country that no longer work as well as they used to. According to Burger, the second reason is „adverse weather conditions“. From January to June 2023, there was simply less wind and sunshine than in the previous year. As a result, both wind turbines and photovoltaic systems generated significantly less electricity in the past six months. In order to continue meeting Germany’s electricity needs, grid operators had to increase electricity imports from abroad. This was particularly evident from mid-April onwards, when the last three German nuclear power plants were taken off the grid. Since then, Germany has had to import most of its electricity. Currently, the import volume is up to 12 GW in some cases. Balance of German electricity imports and exports from January to June 2023. Photo: Agora Energiewende According to Agora Energiewende, 25 percent of the imported electricity in June of this year came from nuclear energy, primarily from France. Another 16 percent was generated by coal and gas power plants. The remaining electricity came from „renewable“ sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Mark Helfrich, energy commissioner of the CDU, expressed his concern: „It is very dangerous for Germany as a location if the share of green electricity only increases because less electricity is generated and consumed in Germany.“ „Bild“ summarizes that without nuclear energy and green electricity, Germany will continue to use fossil fuels to secure its supply. Reactions Many users expressed their views on the new data and the electricity situation on the Twitter microblogging service. Almost all took a critical stance towards the German energy transition. For example, letatcmoi wrote: „Because they (‚renewables‘) are a bad technology that has only grown so large thanks to planned economy.“ Michael Lemurian drew attention to the weather dependence of the „renewables“ with his comment: „Quote: ‚Second reason: adverse weather conditions, says Burger. There was less wind and sun in the comparison period.‘ Oh wonder, oh wonder… Wind and sun cannot be activated at the push of a button like light in apartments and houses. Who would have thought.“ Heinrich II shared: „There are many causes for failures or performance losses of PV and WKA. It is and remains fluctuating power that is not base load capable.“ NenyM criticizes the strategy of politics: „But Habeck wants to solve the problem by multiplying the number of plants. Apparently, he didn’t pay much attention in math class. Because 1 x 0 = 0, 100 x 0 = 0, and 1 million x 0 = 0. 0 wind = zero energy! If they all start up at once, the grid will get clogged.“ [1] Although the term „renewable energy“ has become established in society, according to the law of energy conservation, energy is not renewable in principle. It can only be converted

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Immer mehr „Erneuerbare“ – aber dennoch weniger Strom

Photovoltaik-Module und Windkraftparks sind wetterabhängig und bringen schwankende Erträge.Foto: iStock Obwohl immer mehr Wind- und Solaranlagen entstehen, stagniert plötzlich die Stromausbeute – und geht sogar zurück. Das zeigen jetzt Daten des Fraunhofer-Instituts. Viele Menschen sind nicht von der deutschen Energiewende überzeugt. Deutschland baut immer mehr Windkraftanlagen und Photovoltaik-Anlagen, der Bestand dieser Energiequellen wächst also stetig. Damit sollte eigentlich auch die Stromausbeute konstant steigen. Dass dies allerdings nicht immer der Fall ist, zeigen jetzt neue Daten des Fraunhofer-Instituts. Demnach nutzte Deutschland von Januar bis Juni 2023 anteilsmäßig sechs Prozentpunkte mehr Strom aus „erneuerbaren“ Energiequellen als noch im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der Anteil an fossilen Energiequellen (Kohle, Gas etc.) ging dagegen deutlich zurück, berichtete die „Bild“. Dennoch ist die Strommenge aus Windrädern und Solaranlagen

Details zu Immer mehr „Erneuerbare“ – aber dennoch weniger Strom

Categories: Deutsch, EpochTimes, Medien, Politik, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 26
flugpreise-nach-asien-und-australien-um-42,5-prozent-gestiegen-im-vergleich-zum-vorjahrFlugpreise nach Asien und Australien um 42,5 Prozent gestiegen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr
nick-dixon-und-toby-young-sprechen-ueber-die-boshaftigkeit-von-stop-funding-hate,-den-suspendierten-konservativen-stadtrat,-der-einwaende-gegen-den-pride-erhob,-und-die-linksliberale-heuchelei,-die-im-huw-edwards-skandal-zum-vorschein-kommtNick Dixon und Toby Young sprechen über die Boshaftigkeit von Stop Funding Hate, den suspendierten konservativen Stadtrat, der Einwände gegen den Pride erhob, und die linksliberale Heuchelei, die im Huw Edwards-Skandal zum Vorschein kommt