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Wie Lobby-Organisationen Einfluss auf Redaktionen nehmen

Published On: 20. Juli 2023 10:13

Klima vor acht“ and other organizations are trying to influence media coverage in their favor. And they are achieving some success. Getty Images | Screenprint: – Collage: TE The activists of the lobbying organization „Klima vor acht“ made a shocking discovery: it was the Tagesschau, the German main news program. What had the flagship of ARD done? It illustrated reports about the already over-dramatized summer heat in Europe with images of people clearly enjoying themselves at the beach. The strict reprimand from „Klima vor acht“ reads: „We may have praised the Tagesschau too early. Don’t you know that people are dying from heat and dehydration? If you refuse to air a special program during prime time, like @RTL_com manages to do, then at least refrain from using fun images.“ I agree to have content from Twitter displayed to me. – KLIMA° vor acht e.V. (@KlimaVorAcht) July 19, 2023 Attached to this was a tweet from July 2, in which the organization generously praised ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesschau, and Spiegel for their reactions to the „harsh criticism“ from „Klima vor acht“ and their exemplary avoidance of „pool motifs and good mood pics“: „After having to sharply criticize the visual language of articles about #heat and #climate several times last year, we have hardly seen any pool motifs and good mood pics this year. We would like to thank @DIEZEIT @SZ @tagesschau @derspiegel for this.“ The self-proclaimed media watchdogs apparently find the relapse of the ARD news program all the more annoying. „Klima vor acht“ is a lobbying association that primarily demands „prime time for the climate,“ which, from its perspective, means replacing the existing ARD program „Wissen vor acht“ with a daily climate program before the Tagesschau. One can roughly imagine what that would look like if images of people bathing are already considered outrageous. In addition to the demand for a daily dose of climate alarmism on ARD, the association apparently sees its task increasingly in exerting general pressure on the media. In its own definition, it states: „KLIMA° vor acht e.V. is a non-profit association with the goal of improving climate reporting in all media.“ According to its own information, the organization is funded through donations. However, there is no information about its donors and the amount of funds on its website. The relatively small association includes influential, well-connected activists. Among them is the author and columnist for the „Frankfurter Rundschau“ Maren Urner, who is one of the most important protagonists of „constructive journalism“ in Germany – journalism that is no longer intended to provide a critical counterweight to politics, but rather to popularize certain „solutions“ to problems. Another member is taz journalist Jakob Lochner, who temporarily worked at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He is not only involved in „Klima vor acht,“ but also in the „fossil-free media“ campaign, which aims to exert pressure on editorial offices to voluntarily refrain from „fossil advertisements“ – such as advertising for combustion engine cars and air travel. In addition to „Klima vor acht“ and „fossil-free media,“ the state-funded organization „Neue Deutsche Medienmacher“ has also been exerting influence on editorial offices for some time, in line with the concept of „diversity.“ Recently, the co-founder of „Neue Deutsche Medienmacher,“ Ferda Ataman, who has since become the „anti-discrimination officer“ of the federal government, called on editorial offices to compile data on the origin, religion, and sexuality of their employees to demonstrate that the workforce is sufficiently „diverse.“ Publishers‘ and journalists‘ associations have so far refrained from clearly rejecting this type of pressure. Advertisement Support If you liked our article: Support this form of journalism

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Wie Lobby-Organisationen Druck auf Redaktionen ausüben

„Klima vor acht“ und andere Vereine versuchen, die Medienberichterstattung in ihrem Sinn zu beeinflussen. Und sie verzeichnen durchaus Erfolge. Getty Images | Screenprint: – Collage: TE Die Aktivisten der Lobbyorganisation „Klima vor acht“ mussten Schlimmes entdecken: ausgerechnet bei der Tagesschau, der deutschen Hauptnachrichtensendung. Was hatte sich das ARD-Flaggschiff geleistet? Es illustrierte Meldungen über die ohnehin schon medial völlig überinszenierte Sommerwärme in Europa mit Bildern von Menschen, die offensichtlich am Strand ihren Badespaß genießen. Die strenge Zurechtweisung von „Klima vor acht“ lautet: „Da haben wir die Tagesschau wohl zu früh gelobt. Ihr wisst schon, dass da gerade Menschen an Hitze und Dehydrierung sterben? Wenn ihr euch schon weigert, eine Sondersendung zur besten Sendezeit zu bringen, wie @RTL_com es schafft, dann

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Categories: Deutsch, Medien, Politik, Quellen, Tichys Einblick, UmweltTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 28
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