rueckblick-2009:-klima-verrueckter-john-kerry-behauptet,-dass-die-arktis-bis-zum-sommer-2014-„eisfrei“-sein-wirdRückblick 2009: Klima-Verrückter John Kerry behauptet, dass die Arktis bis zum Sommer 2014 "eisfrei" sein wird
selenskij-oder-die-aera-der-grenzenlosen-kinderSelenskij oder die Ära der grenzenlosen Kinder

Viele Menschen erwarten Systemveränderungen, sind jedoch nicht bereit, sich selbst zu verändern

Published On: 31. Juli 2023 15:33

Save the Date, 5. Aug 23, Berlin „Weltfrieden23“, which stands for peace, freedom, and reconciliation, is organizing the demonstration on August 5, 2023 in Berlin. Querdenken 711 is not involved this year. Surely, this demonstration will be extensively covered by the media afterwards – but whether that should deter you is a decision everyone has to make for themselves. Organizing such a demonstration is a lot of work, especially when you have a job on the side, so it is all the more important to support these people. Many people expect the system to change, but are not willing to change themselves. Michael Ballweg Where: Brandenburg Gate When: 1 pm opening rally, 2 pm march, approx. 4 pm closing rally This year, the democracy movement will gather in Berlin on the first Saturday in August. The measures may be largely over, but the process of coming to terms with them is just beginning. Politicians and familiar media outlets are working just as they always have, only the topics are changing. Let us come together and show the world how we want to live, in PEACE, FREEDOM, and JOY! For questions or if you would like to register a float for the demonstration, please contact: [email protected]. We want to live self-determined in freedom and peace with the entire human family. The dignity of all people is inviolable! For this, we need comprehensive political reforms that … effectively prevent the sale of our human rights to corporate globalists. ensure the long-term and holistic well-being of all living beings and our planet Earth. end all wars and armed conflicts. shut down the arms industry and achieve complete disarmament worldwide. have free and independent media without propaganda. address the politics surrounding the coronavirus. establish a holistic healthcare system for body, mind, and soul without influence from the pharmaceutical lobby. ban lobbying and end the corruption associated with it. have an education system without pressure to perform, where all individual potentials can be fully developed. move away from a society based on competition and performance and towards a dignified social community. We reject all forms of violence, extremism, and contempt for humanity. This includes structural and institutionalized violence, political incitement, exclusion, and contempt for those with different opinions. The pros and cons of current demonstrations are discussed in this video by Helge SpunktNews. Let’s stop thinking about how to bring the movement back to Berlin, but let’s think more about how to get people on the streets in Berlin, Ulm, Hamburg, and everywhere else who have not yet taken to the streets. Why? Because now is actually the right time. And to all those who now say, „oh, you can never reach the sheeple,“ check your thinking, check what you’re saying, are you really still on the level that truly moves people in this country, or do you still have your preconceived opinion from the past three years that you’re still carrying around. It is important that we now realize that almost everyone, except for a few party soldiers, has had enough. They want things to finally change, so that people can once again determine their own lives. And if we start there, then we have completely new possibilities for Berlin. Dr. Daniel Langhans

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Viele Menschen erwarten, dass sich das System verändert, sind aber nicht bereit, sich selbst zu verändern

Save the Date, 5. Aug 23, Berlin „Weltfrieden23“, welche für Frieden, Freiheit, Aufarbeitung stehen, organisieren die Demonstration am 5.08.2023 in Berlin. Querdenken 711 ist dieses Jahr nicht daran beteiligt. Sicherlich wird auch diese Demonstration im Nachgang medial sehr intensiv bearbeitet werden – doch ob einen das davon abhalten sollte, muss jeder selbst für sich entscheiden. Es ist viel Arbeit solch eine Demonstration zu organisieren, vor allem wenn man nebenbei arbeitet, deshalb ist es umso wichtiger diese Menschen zu unterstützen. Viele Menschen erwarten, dass sich das System verändert, sind aber nicht bereit, sich selbst zu verändern.Michael Ballweg Wo: Brandenburger Tor Wann: 13 Uhr Auftaktkundgebung, 14 Uhr Umzug, ca. 16 Uhr Abschlusskundgebung Auch dieses Jahr versammelt sich die Demokratie-Bewegung am ersten Samstag

Details zu Viele Menschen erwarten, dass sich das System verändert, sind aber nicht bereit, sich selbst zu verändern

Categories: Corona Blog, Deutsch, Medien, Politik, QuellenTags: , , , , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 23
rueckblick-2009:-klima-verrueckter-john-kerry-behauptet,-dass-die-arktis-bis-zum-sommer-2014-„eisfrei“-sein-wirdRückblick 2009: Klima-Verrückter John Kerry behauptet, dass die Arktis bis zum Sommer 2014 "eisfrei" sein wird
selenskij-oder-die-aera-der-grenzenlosen-kinderSelenskij oder die Ära der grenzenlosen Kinder