
alice-weidel-(afd):-den-„brandbrief“-an-die-kanzlerin-muss-das-kuendigungsschreiben-der-waehler-folgen!Alice Weidel (AfD): The "letter of complaint" to the Chancellor must be followed by the voters' resignation letter! Alice Weidel (AfD): Den "Brandbrief" an die Kanzlerin muss das Kündigungsschreiben der Wähler folgen!
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Gespräch zur Würdigung von Helvetia

Published On: 3. August 2023 12:59

Lukas: „Dear Helvetia, we thank you for your invitation to your 732nd birthday. It is a great joy and honor for us, as representatives of the younger generation, to be able to attend your celebration. In the last 732 years, a lot has happened: many small places have become a federal state, poverty has turned into wealth, to the point that we are among the richest countries in the world. We, the citizens, can determine our future at the ballot box and above all, we are free. Freer than elsewhere.“

Stephanie: „What do you mean by freer than elsewhere? Yes, it’s true: we live in freedom and security. We haven’t had any wars for a very long time, thanks to Swiss neutrality.“

Lukas: „However, Helvetia is increasingly surrounded by false friends. Fortunately, they are not here in the Tell-Arena in Matten today, only the real ones are here. These false friends want Helvetia to abandon neutrality. Instead, they want her to join forces with a bearded actor, a senile American, and the Brussels bureaucratic monster. They claim that this is the modern Europe and the way to freedom, security, and prosperity. These so-called friends want to force us to no longer be able to determine our own future. Instead, a small ruling elite should do it for us.“

Stephanie: „Today, they are pushing us into NATO, wanting us to practice war with other powers. It is precisely because Helvetia has always been neutral that it was able to help the victims, the weakest, in times of war. Our ancestors experienced what it meant to fight against their own brothers and die on foreign battlefields. We do not want to go to war for superpowers, but to promote peace. However, we also want to defend our freedom, if necessary with weapons, like Wilhelm Tell and the old Confederates.“

Lukas: „The opponents of neutrality have one goal above all: to play on the stage of the superpowers. They forget that they are playing with the security and freedom of us citizens. We must not be tempted by sweet temptations like ’solidarity‘ and ‚community‘. After all, we do not know who our enemy will be in 20 years. Therefore, it is our task to ensure that Helvetia is prepared for emergencies and does not get involved in foreign conflicts. Because we must take care of our Helvetia, we would like to present you, dear Helvetia, with some gifts for your birthday: a Swiss army knife as a symbol of your resilience, so that we can continue to defend our freedom ourselves in the future. A pack of band-aids to supply the porous national borders. A table bell, so that you can intervene energetically in parliament when Swiss interests are being sold out. A ticket to the Jungfraujoch, so that you can enjoy the foresight and cosmopolitanism of Switzerland from the Top of Europe. A business card from a hotel in Geneva, in case a peace conference is held again in neutral Switzerland. And finally, we give you a lifetime membership to Pro Switzerland. You can rely on Pro Switzerland, we stand behind you.“

Stephanie: „On your birthday, dear Confederation, we also swear to you that we, the young people, will take care of you. That we can continue to live in peace, freedom, and security. We promise to work for this, just as the Confederates and founding fathers of Switzerland did in 1291. We promise it today, in 2023!

Original Artikel Teaser

«Dialog zu Ehren von Helvetia»

Lukas: «Liebe Helvetia, wir danken Dir für deine Einladung zu deinem 732. Geburtstag. Es ist uns eine grosse Freude und Ehre, als Vertreter der jungen Generation an Deinem Fest dabei sein zu dürfen. In den letzten 732 Jahren ist viel passiert: Aus vielen kleinen Orten wurde ein Bundesstaat, aus Armut wurde Reichtum, sogar so, dass wir zu den reichsten Ländern der Welt gehören. Wir Bürgerinnen und Bürger können selbstbestimmt über unsere Zukunft an der Urne entscheiden und vor allem sind wir frei. Also freier als anderswo.» Stephanie: «Was meinst Du mit freier als anderswo? Ja es stimmt: Wir leben in Freiheit und Sicherheit. Wir haben seit sehr langer Zeit keine kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen mehr. Dies auch wegen der schweizerischen Neutralität.» Lukas:

Details zu «Dialog zu Ehren von Helvetia»

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