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Rückblick: Niemals, niemals, niemals mit der AfD

Published On: 4. August 2023 6:00

Leserpost Netiquette: armin_ulrich / 04.08.2023 @Thomas Szabo „The AfD poses no danger to Germany and democracy, but the Greens: Do you want total transformation?!“ If you don’t want total transformation, you are transphobic. Lutz Liebezeit / 04.08.2023 If you vote for the SPD, you are choosing ethnic suicide, if you vote for the AfD, you are a Nazi. Although the SPD made the proposal because its own credibility had fallen due to its unsocial policies, it also required a confession from the chronically accused. Why take the easy way out when you can make it difficult? I see it the same way, perhaps for different reasons, you don’t have to like the AfD. You don’t vote for angels there. And the SPD does nothing to differentiate itself from the Left and the Greens in terms of immigration policy. The CDU does the same. There is great unity. You also don’t choose suicide if you get an additional 45 cents per hour. The offer is not an alternative. The situation was just as tense in the Weimar Republic. The SPD warned that those who vote for Hitler choose war, but did not mention that those who vote for the SPD choose to join the Soviet Union. They did not clarify that. The SPD always conveys the danger to life in its confusion, but pretends to be the savior. There is nothing unconditional here. Sabine Schönfeld / 04.08.2023 @ Sabine Heinrich: Thank you for your positive response and regarding: „What particularly shocks me: the absolute cold-heartedness of most of my otherwise lovable fellow human beings towards people who have been and will be harmed (physically, mentally, economically) by the destructive policies of the unified party.“ This is the result of years of media brainwashing. People seem unchanged, but triggered by certain terms, they suddenly behave like emotionless robots. I have noticed this for some time now, many of those who were previously able to engage in normal argumentation are now like associative robots when certain trigger words are mentioned: AfD – evil right-wing extremists, migration – poor children in need, climate – we will all die, COVID vaccinations – they save lives and the refusers are practically murderers. And so they basically repeat, almost mechanically and usually without argumentation, what they have been trained to say. A classic Pavlovian effect, all that’s missing is for them to drool when the bell rings. (Although I haven’t tried that, maybe I should?) This also clearly shows who still consumes traditional television or mainstream media and who has been getting information from the internet for a longer time. My portrayal may be somewhat exaggerated and schematic, but it is based on what I have encountered. It’s like I’ve landed in a parallel universe of a Hollywood dystopia. Bernd Schreller / 04.08.2023 @Steffen Hübner „The AfD will predictably be sabotaged by the infiltrated administrations/intelligence services, etc., just like Trump was in the US.“ Trump is not genuine, he is fake opposition. At the beginning of his term, he had the majority in the Senate and Congress, but still achieved very little. The supposed economic boom was a sham, they allegedly couldn’t even raise the few billion for the wall. In the end, it was a porous structure, exactly what it was supposed to be, so that Biden (or rather his commanding officers) could carry out mass immigration (as had already happened in Europe). He relies on total surveillance, his great WARP-Speed bioweapons, a remote-controlled American government, etc. To rely on Trump, who is completely corrupt like Biden, means to be destroyed. Sigrid Leonhard / 04.08.2023 @ R.Matzen, „I remember Gauland’s „Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate!“ So please.“ Just because a member of the AfD was positive about so-called „vaccination,“ that is by no means an argument against the AfD. An argument in favor of the AfD parliamentarians, however, is that as far as I know, not a single representative voted in favor of mandatory vaccination. Bernd Schreller / 04.08.2023 @Sabine Heinrich A high percentage of the unteachable, empathy-less tunnel vision people you described will soon be dead. I could continue with Wowi now. Unfortunately, it also affects those who have been driven in and children. Thomas Kammerer / 04.08.2023 With the disgusting pandering to this war criminal Putin, the AfD is morally finished for me! Volker Kleinophorst / 04.08.2023 @ Matzen, it’s not the standards, it’s the double standards (Danisch). Why are you upset about AfD members who supposedly have nothing to do with the FDGO? No one has less to do with the FDGO than the neo-SED „Our Democracy,“ their media cartel financed by our taxes, where the public broadcasters violate the state treaty and FDGO daily, as well as the affiliated judiciary. A major transformation is certainly not covered there, nor is flooding the country with criminals and making us Germans pay for it. I call that slavery. Is that also covered by the FDGO? And: If you have so much insider knowledge about the AfD, why don’t you write about it? Free Voters, Alliance for Germany, and the Values Union – what percentage do they have? But don’t worry. The AfD and its voters can certainly do without you and Mr. „Am I funny „Mordechai“.“ Wilfried Cremer / 04.08.2023 Friedrich Nowottny was and hopefully still is a swing voter, officially

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Rückspiegel: Nie, nie, nie mit der AfD?

Leserpost netiquette: armin_ulrich / 04.08.2023 @Thomas Szabo “Die AfD stellt keine Gefahr für Deutschland und die Demokratie dar, aber die Grünen: Wollt ihr die totale Transformation?!” Wer die totale Transformation nicht will, ist transphob. Lutz Liebezeit / 04.08.2023 Wählt man die SPD, wählt man den völkischen Selbstmord, wählt man die AfD, ist man ein Nazi. Von der SPD kam zwar der Vorstoss, weil die eigene Glaubwürdigkeit wegen der unsozialen Politik in den Keller gefallen ist, aber es bedurfte auch eines Bekenntnisses des chronisch Beschuldigten. Warum einfach, wenns auch schwierig geht? Ich sehe das auch so, vielleicht aus anderen Gründen, man muß die AfD nicht mögen. Man wählt da keine Engel. Und die SPD tut ja nun nichts, um sich mit

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