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Die große AEPA: Eine letzte Chance, das Appalachen-Ökosystem zu retten

Published On: 15. August 2023 4:53

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The Big AEPA: A Last Chance to Save the Appalachian Ecosystem

Proforestation means “growing existing forests intact to their ecological potential” [1]. In other words, protecting standing intact forests and letting them grow and develop in complexity to their natural old growth state. The 2019 paper’s title says it all: “Intact Forests in the  United States: Proforestation Mitigates Climate Change and Serves the Greatest Good.” Forests of older and larger trees sequester far more carbon than do those of younger smaller trees [2]. Clearly, intact older forests are of such exceptional value in so many ways that their preservation must be made an urgent priority [3].  So, a climate-smart strategy for the public’s forests — our National Forests (“NF”), National Parks (“NP”), BLM lands, National Wildlife Refuges, National Monuments, and other

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Categories: Counter Punch, English, Quellen, UmweltTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 22
aktualisierung:-biden-bittet-den-kongress-um-25-milliarden-us-dollar-fuer-neue-hilfsgelder-fuer-die-ukraineAktualisierung: Biden bittet den Kongress um 25 Milliarden US-Dollar für neue Hilfsgelder für die Ukraine
die-zensoren-aus-down-under:-das-acma-manoever-gegen-fehlinformationen-und-desinformationenDie Zensoren aus Down Under: Das ACMA-Manöver gegen Fehlinformationen und Desinformationen