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Interview mit Serge Mangin: „Europa versinkt in der Dunkelheit

Published On: 15. August 2023 4:47

Interview: Serge Mangin: „Europe is sinking into darkness“ Interview: Serge Mangin: „Europe is sinking into darkness“ Symbols of the Occident: „What remains are the images of our ancestors, the memory of our descent from pillar people“ (Serge Mangin), Source: picture alliance/dpa / Christoph Hardt / Geisler-Fotopress Interview Serge Mangin: „Europe is sinking into darkness“ The French artist Serge Mangin understands his sculptures as monuments against barbarism. Now his new book has been published, in which he leads a campaign for the Occident. In an interview with the JF, he explains what threatens the continent. YOUR DIGITAL ACCESS. Simply register and continue reading. All articles on JF online for free The JF already every Wednesday as an e-paper and via app Discuss freely in the comment section of the JF You are already a digital subscriber? Log in here. Support independent journalism! Support independent journalism! Symbols of the Occident: „What remains are the images of our ancestors, the memory of our descent from pillar people“ (Serge Mangin), Source: picture alliance/dpa / Christoph Hardt / Geisler-Fotopress

H2: Interview with Serge Mangin: „Europe is sinking into darkness“
In his sculptures, the French artist Serge Mangin sees monuments against barbarism. Now his new book has been published, in which he leads a campaign for the Occident. In an interview with the JF, he explains what threatens the continent.

H2: The fight for the Occident
Serge Mangin’s new book is a call to action for the preservation of the Occident. He believes that Europe is sinking into darkness and that it is important to remember our heritage and fight against barbarism. Mangin’s sculptures serve as symbols of resistance and a reminder of our ancestors.

H2: Support independent journalism
By supporting independent journalism, we can ensure that voices like Serge Mangin’s are heard. His message about the decline of Europe and the importance of preserving our cultural heritage is crucial in today’s world. Register now to read the full interview and join the discussion in the comment section

Original Artikel Teaser

InterviewSerge Mangin: „Europa sinkt ins Dunkel“

Interview: Serge Mangin: „Europa sinkt ins Dunkel“ Interview: Serge Mangin: „Europa sinkt ins Dunkel“ Symbole des Abendlands: „Übrig bleiben die Bilder unserer Vorfahren, die Erinnerung an unsere Abkunft von Säulenmenschen“ (Serge Mangin), Quelle: picture alliance/dpa / Christoph Hardt / Geisler-Fotopress Interview  Serge Mangin: „Europa sinkt ins Dunkel“ Seine Plastiken begreift der französische Künstler Serge Mangin als Monumente gegen die Barbarei. Nun ist sein neues Buch erschienen, in dem er einen Feldzug für das Abendland führt. Im Interview mit der JF erklärt er, was dem Kontinent droht. IHR DIGITALER ZUGANG. Einfach registrieren und weiterlesen. Alle Artikel auf JF online frei Die JF schon jeden Mittwoch als E-Paper und via App Frei mitdiskutieren im Kommentarbereich der JF Sie sind bereits Digital-Abonnent? Hier

Details zu InterviewSerge Mangin: „Europa sinkt ins Dunkel“

hawaiis-rettungsteams-werden-voraussichtlich-taeglich-’10-bis-20′-weitere-opfer-finden:-gouverneurHawaiis Rettungsteams werden voraussichtlich täglich '10 bis 20' weitere Opfer finden: Gouverneur
kultur-des-abbruchs-–-der-saekulare-kampf-gegen-rechtsKultur des Abbruchs - Der säkulare Kampf gegen Rechts