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Der alltägliche Irrsinn: Der WDR kennzeichnet Otto-Shows mit einem Hinweis auf „diskriminierende“ Inhalte

Published On: 16. August 2023 15:00

16. Aug. 2023, 15:00 Uhr: „Brave New World“ or just normal madness? Every day, as a media consumer, we are confronted with news from all kinds of topics that a few years ago would have been considered satire. Here we present a small selection of current cases.

16. Aug. 2023, 15:40 Uhr: Otto jokes with warning for sensitive citizens. Who doesn’t remember the provocative, often borderline language humor of Otto Waalkes? In the 70s and 80s, it was still acceptable for the post-war generation. However, for the sensitized generation of fun today, it is only partially understandable. Therefore, since August 14th, the WDR archive has introduced the following introduction: „For Otto’s 75th birthday in 2023, we will present the seven Otto shows from the 70s and two of his programs from the 80s throughout the anniversary year, uncut and in a Frisian and coarse manner, holladihiti!“ At the beginning of each coarse show, the following information is provided, which is in line with today’s zeitgeist: „The following program is shown in its original form as part of television history. It contains passages that are now considered discriminatory.“ The spontaneous question is therefore: by whom? „Otto Waalkes pure, all alone, unmistakable,“ says the WDR fun editorial team, but currently only communicable with a warning (?) or to comment with Otto humor: „Brain to fist, clench!“, „Spleen to brain, should I also clench?“, „Shut up!“, „Brain to fist, extend!“

15. Aug. 2023, 14:36 Uhr: Male transsexual Anne Andres sets national record in powerlifting. On August 13th, Anne Andres set a national record in powerlifting in Canada. Andres competed in the women’s class at the Western Canadian Championships of the Canadian Powerlifting Union and achieved a total weight of 597.5 kilograms in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. This is about 200 kilograms more than the second-placed SuJan Gill, who managed to lift 387.5 kilograms. Afterwards, Andres criticized the „poor quality“ of her fellow competitors in a video and asked at the beginning of the video: „Why is women’s bench press so bad?“ However, the problem is not the person Andres, because he is only „a training freak“. Anne Andres (biological male) just set a new record for women’s powerlifting. Here is Andres openly mocking real women for not being as good…

H2: Baerbock’s ambitious „climate foreign policy“ negatively impacts the atmosphere with 160 tons of kerosene. The Foreign Office organized a trip to Oceania for the Foreign Minister. The outdated Airbus A340 of the flight readiness service caused an involuntary stopover in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). Technical defects then led to two required test flights, which had to be aborted. In the process, larger quantities of gasoline were artificially released to ensure a safe landing. In the end, 160 tons of kerosene were blown into the atmosphere by the government plane, which was not very environmentally friendly. The headlines read: „Baerbock’s ambitious ‚climate foreign policy‘ negatively impacts the atmosphere with 160 tons of kerosene.“

H2: „Berlin Alexanderplatz“ is adapted to the spirit of the times by ZDF. ZDF has attempted a new adaptation of Alfred Döblin’s novel „Berlin Alexanderplatz“ that is in line with the spirit of the times. The main character of the novel, which was published in 1929, has been modified: German worker Franz Biberkopf has become African refugee Francis. The brutal villain Reinhold, on the other hand, remains German and keeps his name, but now he is a drug dealer. ZDF promotes the „award-winning drama“ on Twitter/X as follows: „Francis, who has fled from Africa, wants to build a new life in Berlin – difficult without papers and a work permit. When he starts working for drug dealer Reinhold because of this, his life becomes a disaster.“ Soon after the tweet was published, ZDF disabled the comment function, stating: „We have closed the comments due to a large number of general xenophobic remarks about the film and refer to our netiquette.“

H2: MDR interviewee works for the Greens. As part of its coverage of the Chancellor’s conversation in Erfurt last Thursday, MDR interviewed a participant. Lea Wengel told the broadcaster that she would like to talk to the Chancellor about the topic of „climate protection“. Blogger Argo Nerd pointed out over the weekend that Ms. Wengel is employed by the Thuringian Greens as a press and public relations officer.

H2: British emergency call centers to ask callers which pronouns they prefer. The National Health Service (NHS), the British National Health Authority, has instructed its emergency call centers to ask callers about their preferred pronouns. This is to prevent callers from being „misgendered“ based on the sound of their voice. The terms „Sir“ or „Madam“ should be avoided.

H2: The transsexual voice of the BVG. rbb reminded in a tweet on Sunday that the „voice“ of the Berlin Transport Company (BVG), which announces the stations on buses and trains, belongs to a transsexual person. rbb refers to her as a „trans woman“. „Philippa Jarke“ prevailed in the casting against „more than 1,000 applicants“. Jarke herself explained that the BVG wanted a voice that is not immediately recognizable as male or female

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Der tägliche Wahnsinn: Der WDR versieht Otto-Shows mit Warnhinweis zu „diskriminierenden“ Inhalten

16 Aug. 2023 15:00 Uhr „Schöne neue Welt“ oder einfach nur der normale Irrsinn? Täglich ist man als Medienkonsument mit Meldungen aus allen möglichen Themenbereichen konfrontiert, die man vor wenigen Jahren noch als Satire verbucht hätte. Wir präsentieren hier in loser Folge eine kleine Auswahl aktueller Fälle. © Screenshot: WDR-Mediathek 16.08.2023 15:40 Uhr 15:40 Uhr Otto-Witze laut WDR-Redaktion ab sofort in der Mediathek mit Warnhinweis für sensible BürgerWer erinnert sich nicht, an den provokativen, oft grenzwertigen Sprachwitz des Otto Waalkes. In den 70er- und 80er-Jahren für die Nachkriegsgeneration noch vertretbar und akzeptabel. Aktuell jedoch, für die sensibilisierte Spaßgeneration nur noch bedingt vermittelbar. Daher heißt es jetzt seit dem 14. August im WDR-Archiv einleitend:“Zum 75. Geburtstag von Otto im Jahr 2023 präsentieren wir im Laufe

Details zu Der tägliche Wahnsinn: Der WDR versieht Otto-Shows mit Warnhinweis zu „diskriminierenden“ Inhalten

Categories: Deutsch, Medien, Quellen, Russia Today, UmweltTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 13
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ein-fehlerhaftes-gesetz-aufgrund-von-dummheit-wird-blockiertEin fehlerhaftes Gesetz aufgrund von Dummheit wird blockiert