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Karl Lauterbach und Christian Lindner vernachlässigen schutzbedürftige Menschen

Published On: 17. August 2023 7:29

Karl Lauterbach and Christian Lindner have cut funds for suicide prevention. The amounts saved are small, but the message is fatal. Money is available, at least if the traffic light coalition wants it. For example, Karl Lauterbach (SPD), the Minister of Health, has transferred 700,000 euros to the agency „Brinkertlück Creatives“ for the Corona campaign „I protect myself“. He has allocated a budget of 32.7 million euros for this campaign. The advertising specialist portal called „I protect myself“ a fear campaign without „clear messages and target groups“. also criticizes this action by the former Corona expert: „It is also not clear what exactly the campaign aims to achieve.“ TE has reported early on the connection between Lauterbach’s panic-mongering and the increase in anxiety and depression, even leading to suicide risk. But it is precisely this group of vulnerable people that the Minister of Health is now abandoning. The amounts are actually negligible compared to the federal budget and national debt, making the symbolic impact on vulnerable people even worse.

„The absolute killer variant“ Doctor and CSU member of the Bundestag Stephan Pilsinger has inquired at the Ministry of Finance how much money the federal government is currently spending on suicide prevention. According to the response, 128,790 euros are available for this purpose this year. Next year, Lauterbach and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) will halve this amount to 68,164 euros. For comparison: This is less than a tenth of what Lauterbach pays to an agency for a fear campaign. And 479 times less than the total cost of the fear campaign, which mainly goes to media favored by Lauterbach. Lauterbach and Lindner also cut the digital counseling services for people in crisis situations, reducing the budget from 235,966 to 225,816 euros. One year later, the two will deduct an additional 5,000 euros from their budget for people in need. In return, Lauterbach doubles the budget for the „focus on destigmatizing mental illnesses“ from 533,871 to 1.04 million euros. Under Lauterbach, anxiety disorders are to become socially acceptable. CSU health policy spokesperson Pilsinger criticizes the minister for saving money on those at risk of suicide: „The funds planned by the federal government for suicide prevention are more than meager. Especially after the Bundestag recently, much to my regret, could not agree on a legal regulation of assisted suicide, suicide prevention plays an even greater role. The federal government has not understood this.“ Although Lauterbach quickly declared that he wanted to take the initiative, „with these small amounts that the federal government is presenting here, we will hardly be able to strengthen suicide prevention.“

If you feel that you need help, please contact the telephone counseling service. You can get help from advisors who can offer assistance with the next steps at the toll-free number 0800-1110111 or 0800-1110222. There are also support services available from the German Depression Foundation and the German Society for Suicide Prevention. On the internet, there is also a forum where affected individuals can exchange information, for example, at the German Depression Foundation. Advertisement Support If you liked our article: Support this form of journalism

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Karl Lauterbach und Christian Lindner lassen gefährdete Menschen allein

Karl Lauterbach und Christian Lindner haben die Gelder für die Suizidprävention zusammengestrichen. Die derart gesparten Summen sind klein – aber das Zeichen ist fatal. IMAGO / Emmanuele Contini Geld ist da. Zumindest wenn die Ampel es will. Etwa Karl Lauterbach (SPD). Der Gesundheitsminister hat allein der Agentur „Brinkertlück Creatives“ 700.000 Euro überweisen lassen für die Corona-Kampagne: „Ich schütze mich“. Insgesamt stellte er dafür einen Etat von 32,7 Millionen Euro bereit. Das Werbe-Fachportal nannte „Ich schütze mich“ eine Angstkampagne ohne „eindeutige Botschaften und Zielgruppen“. urteilt über diese Aktion des einstigen Corona-Papstes: „Was die Aktion genau erreichen will, erschließt sich ebenfalls nicht.“ TE hat früh über den Zusammenhang berichtet, der zwischen Lauterbachs Panikmache und dem Zuwachs von Angstdepressionen besteht. Bis

Details zu Karl Lauterbach und Christian Lindner lassen gefährdete Menschen allein

Categories: Corona, Deutsch, Medien, Politik, Quellen, Tichys EinblickTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 17
auf-dem-set:-demonstration-fuer-den-weltfriedenAuf dem Set: Demonstration für den Weltfrieden
medienberichte:-kiews-gegenangriff-fuehrt-zu-spaltung-der-ukrainischen-regierungMedienberichte: Kiews Gegenangriff führt zu Spaltung der ukrainischen Regierung