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Agenda 2030: Linnemann drängt auf ein Reformprogramm für Deutschland

Published On: 18. August 2023 18:51

Agenda 2030: Linnemann insists on reform program for Germany

Agenda 2030: Linnemann insists on reform program for Germany

CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann believes that Germany needs a new impetus. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

Linnemann insists on reform program for Germany

CDU Secretary General Linnemann sees an urgent need for reform in Germany. He announces a major initiative by his party. According to the Christian Democrat, the Federal Republic is currently „the sick man of the world“. BERLIN. CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann has called for a program to make the German economy internationally competitive again. According to Linnemann, the five-point immediate program proposed by the CDU is not enough. „It is not helpful to improve depreciation rules here and there. Our country now needs a comprehensive concept, an Agenda 2030,“ said the Christian Democrat to the news agency dpa. Performance must be rewarded again. In the coming weeks, the CDU will present a comprehensive concept for this. Germany urgently needs a „change of mentality“ – similar to 1997 with the then Federal President Roman Herzog and his historic speech „Germany needs a jolt,“ Linnemann compared. First and foremost, the Federal Republic needs liquidity. „The Growth Opportunities Act, which the Finance Minister wants to implement, is largely correct in substance,“ noted the CDU Secretary General. According to Linnemann, retirees should also be able to earn additional income tax-free in the future in order to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. Furthermore, energy prices must be reduced quickly and German districts should be allowed to reduce bureaucracy and overregulation for two years. Germany is „the sick man of the world“ „We are not only the sick man of Europe, but according to the International Monetary Fund, the sick man of the world,“ Linnemann stated. Among the industrialized countries, Germany is the only country whose economy is shrinking. In July, the Federal Republic became the last in the international IMF ranking with minus 0.3 percent economic growth. According to the IMF, no other euro, emerging or industrialized nation except the Federal Republic is facing a recession. Linnemann accused the federal government and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) of not having a plan to solve the existing problems. „I don’t expect a big vision from him anymore, but at least an idea of how Germany can be better positioned in the next three to five years.“ (ca) Support independent journalism! Support independent journalism! CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann believes that Germany needs a new impetus. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler Advertisement

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Agenda 2030Linnemann pocht auf Reformprogramm für Deutschland

Agenda 2030: Linnemann pocht auf Reformprogramm für Deutschland Agenda 2030: Linnemann pocht auf Reformprogramm für Deutschland Für den CDU-Generalsekretär Carsten Linnemann muss ein neuer Ruck durch Deutschland gehen Foto: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler Linnemann pocht auf Reformprogramm für Deutschland CDU-Generalsekretär Linnemann sieht dringenden Reformbedarf in Deutschland. Dazu kündigt er einen großen Wurf seiner Partei an. Denn derzeit sei die Bundesrepublik „der kranke Mann der Welt“, warnt der Christdemokrat. BERLIN. CDU-Generalsekretär Carsten Linnemann hat ein Programm gefordert, um die deutsche Wirtschaft wieder international wettbewerbsfähig zu machen. Das von der CDU bereits vorgeschlagene Fünf-Punkte-Sofortprogramm reicht Linnemann zufolge noch nicht aus. „Es bringt jetzt nichts, hier und da mal Abschreibungsregeln zu verbessern. Unser Land braucht jetzt ein Gesamtkonzept, eine Agenda 2030“, sagte

Details zu Agenda 2030Linnemann pocht auf Reformprogramm für Deutschland

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