dr.-loeffler:-mitochondrien-und-ihre-entscheidende-rolle-im-zellstoffwechsel-insgesamtDr. Löffler: Mitochondrien und ihre entscheidende Rolle im Zellstoffwechsel insgesamt
student-erhaelt-1.500-euro-geldstrafe-aufgrund-der-verwendung-des-begriffs-„drecksstaatStudent erhält 1.500 Euro Geldstrafe aufgrund der Verwendung des Begriffs "Drecksstaat

Übermäßig viel Bein: Schweizer Kanton verbietet Autowerbung als „sexistisch

Published On: 14. September 2023 22:24

Von Daniel Weinmann „Wow! New Prius. New style, more power, and strong values“ – that’s how the Japanese car giant Toyota advertises its new model called Prius. „The aerodynamic lines and distinctive exterior give it an impressive presence on the road,“ the copywriters came up with. Anja Leuenberger also offers a distinctive exterior and impressive presence. „As an ambassador for the new Toyota Prius, I am impressed by its purely electric range of up to 86 kilometers,“ quotes the 31-year-old model. The Aargau native was discovered at the age of 14 and has worked for international top brands such as Dolce & Gabbana and Armani. She has nearly 100,000 followers on Instagram. An absurd joke in itself. Are people everywhere just crazy? The canton of Vaud prohibits a Toyota advertisement because of its „sexist character“ – rightly so? https://t.co/uFMvzzvxGo Recommend: next time just take simple Ricardas. Fat is in and there is… – Dr. Elke_Austenat (@Elke_Austenat) September 9, 2023 In one of the campaign photos, which was also printed as a poster, she stands in an off-the-shoulder, floor-length evening gown next to the passenger door of a yellow Prius. A side slit exposes her legs. Next to it is written: „Wow! The new Prius.“ For the Vaud „Advisory Commission on Sexist Advertising,“ this is too much freedom. The moral guardians classified the advertisement as „sexist“ in a ruling on August 30. The posters must be banned, was the order. The city of Lausanne followed without objection and had the posters in its jurisdiction covered up. Like in prudish 19th century Britain „The person depicted is wearing a dress with a side cutout. This exposes her leg, which is bent in a suggestive position,“ the high priests of decency justified the ban. The golden wedge sandals and the model’s gaze also contribute to the „sexualized impression.“ Top model Leuenberger is only depicted on the poster „to attract attention.“ My reading recommendation „The lack of a natural connection between the depiction of this woman and the car being sold further enhances the provocative nature of the poster,“ it continues. The commission is of the opinion „that the depiction of the woman has nothing to do with the product being sold, which is a car.“ In addition, the model’s slimness „reinforces the stereotypes associated with the ideal female body.“ Welcome to the 21st century! The henchmen of Queen Victoria probably couldn’t have put it better in prudish 19th century Britain. The model could be a user of the car, argue the moral apostles, but the viewer does not know this at first glance. Against this background, the commission must make a judgment – and thus concludes that this advertisement must be prohibited. ‚Swiss Commission for Fairness‘ watches over morals and ethics If Anja Leuenberger had a beard and weighed at least 80 kilograms or presented herself as a drag queen, the woke society would probably applaud. The Aargau member of the Social Democratic Party, Yvonne Feri, believes that such bans do not go far enough. For years, she has been advocating for stricter measures against „sexist“ advertising. She has achieved four bans in the meantime. And there should be more, preferably throughout the entire Confederation. How fortunate for the hardliner that complaints about „sexist“ advertising outside the canton of Vaud can be addressed to the „Swiss Commission for Fairness“ (sic!). At least a glimmer of hope: According to Toyota spokesperson Björn Müller, no further complaints have been received so far, apart from the Vaud poster ban. It’s up to you – your support matters! Thank you very much! My deciphering video about Markus Lanz’s methods was blocked three times by ZDF on Youtube. It backfired. I uploaded it to Rumble on the free internet. It has been viewed a whopping 6.5 million times. Apparently, algorithms don’t slow down „critical“ content like they do on Youtube. One reader calculated that more viewers saw my critical analysis of the show than the show itself. My deciphering video on the ZDF’s smear piece about Hans-Georg Maaßen was also clicked 6.2 million times on Rumble. That gives me hope! But it also takes a lot of time and energy – in this case, a night shift. That’s why I’m grateful for your support. Without it, my work would not be possible because I don’t receive compulsory fees or millions in taxes, and I don’t have a billionaire sponsor. That’s why I’m independent! Currently, (again) donations via credit card, Apple Pay, etc. are possible – despite the Paypal block: via this link. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71. I expressly ask those who have little to keep what they have. I am all the more grateful for support from those for whom it does not hurt. [My current videos Scandal about Harald Schmidt photo with Hans-Georg Maaßen: What really happened at the Weltwoche summer party Hubert Aiwanger – the moral of the dirty story: And why there is only one winner. „For me, Lauterbach is a criminal and a blabbermouth!“ – Wochenshow star Rima accuses Specifically marked contributions always reflect the author’s opinion, not mine. I consider my readers to be adults and want to offer them different perspectives so that they can form their own opinion. Daniel Weinmann worked for many years as an editor at one of Germany’s most well-known media outlets. He writes here under a pseudonym. Image: Shutterstock more from Daniel Weinmann on reitschuster.de Migration crisis at its limit: Refugees to move into private homes While uncontrolled immigration is now completely out of control and even the Greens have raised the white flag, private homes and hotels are now supposed to serve as additional refuges. By Daniel Weinmann. Property tax chaos at the expense of taxpayers Over three million German citizens have filed objections to their property tax assessments. To process them, tax offices are pulling auditors off one after another. This means

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Zu viel Bein: Schweizer Kanton verbietet „sexistische“ Autowerbung

Von Daniel Weinmann „Wow! New Prius. Neuer Stil, mehr Leistung und starke Werte“ – so wirbt der japanische Automobilriese Toyota für sein neues Modell namens Prius. „Die aerodynamischen Linien und das markante Äußere verleihen ihm eine beeindruckende Präsenz auf der Straße“, haben sich die Werbetexter weiter ausgedacht. Ein markantes Äußeres und beeindruckende Präsenz bietet auch Anja Leuenberger. „Als Botschafterin für den neuen Toyota Prius bin ich von seiner rein elektrischen Reichweite von bis zu 86 Kilometern beindruckt“, lässt sich das 31 Jahre alte Model zitieren. Die Aargauerin wurde als 14-Jährige entdeckt und stand nicht zuletzt für internationale Topmarken wie Dolce & Gabbana und Armani. Auf Instagram folgen ihr knapp 100.000 Fans. An Abstrusität ein Gag per se. Sind die Menschen

Details zu Zu viel Bein: Schweizer Kanton verbietet „sexistische“ Autowerbung

dr.-loeffler:-mitochondrien-und-ihre-entscheidende-rolle-im-zellstoffwechsel-insgesamtDr. Löffler: Mitochondrien und ihre entscheidende Rolle im Zellstoffwechsel insgesamt
student-erhaelt-1.500-euro-geldstrafe-aufgrund-der-verwendung-des-begriffs-„drecksstaatStudent erhält 1.500 Euro Geldstrafe aufgrund der Verwendung des Begriffs "Drecksstaat