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Positive AfD-Wählerstimmen, negative AfD-Wählerstimmen

Published On: 15. September 2023 16:28

Breaking taboos“, „endangering democracy!“ – left-wing commentators are going crazy because the AfD supported a CDU proposal. When the AfD voted with the left-wing Thuringian coalition in April, the outrage machine remained silent. IMAGO / Jacob Schröter Plenary session of the Thuringian state parliament, September 14, 2023 „Breaking taboos“, even a „special taboo break“ – the commentators of the traffic light coalition, together with journalistic supporters, make every effort to turn a banal event in the Thuringian state parliament into a catastrophe for democracy. The CDU had introduced a proposal to reduce property transfer tax in parliament, where the red-red-green government does not have a majority. In addition to the Union, the AfD and FDP voted in favor of the proposal, making it law. „Today’s vote in the Erfurt state parliament was no accident,“ raged SPD Secretary General Kevin Kühnert. „The CDU in Thuringia knowingly entered into a political decision that would not have been possible without the votes of the AfD.“ This is a new quality in German parliamentarism. „If this becomes the norm in the CDU, then parliamentarism will be different after today. Democrats must never make the AfD the decisive factor in parliament.“ Kühnert did not reveal why the CDU proposal for tax relief for citizens could only have been achieved with the support of the AfD, and what prevented his party from supporting it. If the Thuringian government factions had voted for it, the AfD would not have mattered either. According to the logic of Kühnert, the Greens, and others, the CDU should only introduce proposals in the state parliament that it knows for sure will not receive the votes of the AfD. This would effectively mean that Mario Voigt’s state party would have to limit itself to supporting Bodo Ramelow’s minority government and otherwise refrain from pursuing its own policies. Conversely, there is no taboo on using AfD votes when it suits the Left Party, SPD, and Greens in Thuringia. In spring 2023, Ramelow’s cabinet ran into difficulties following a report by the state audit office. The auditors criticized, among other things, the disregard for merit-based selection and violations of documentation requirements in the appointment of state secretaries. The state audit office identified systematic and serious violations of regulations on the appointment of civil servants. The CDU and FDP requested a parliamentary committee of inquiry on this sensitive issue. Red-red-green could not prevent this. But the coalition at least tried to reduce the pressure on itself by proposing to expand the scope of the investigation: They believed that the hiring practices under the previous CDU-led governments should also be scrutinized. Red-red-green could only push through this proposal with the help of the AfD. And so it happened: a grand coalition from the Left Party to the Höcke faction voted in favor of the amendment in April. This time, of course, without an angry Minister President, without the appearance of an highly agitated Kevin Kühnert on ARD, who painted the future of parliamentarism in the darkest colors, without green warnings of a dictatorship – and without corresponding theatrical thunder from ARD and ZDF. Apparently, they also believed: AfD votes are good if they benefit the right side. After the alleged taboo break – i.e., the AfD votes for the CDU proposal – ARD turned up the volume. The „Bericht aus Berlin“ made a big deal out of the topic and obtained a corresponding quote for „classification“ from Matthias Quent, who was presented to viewers as a „sociologist and researcher on right-wing extremism“. I agree that Twitter content may be displayed to me. However, ARD viewers were not informed that Quent had previously worked for a radical state parliament member, even within the Left Party, nor that the „Institute for Democracy and Civil Society“ where he works is affiliated with the notorious Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Advertisement Support If you liked our article: Support this form of journalism

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Gute AfD-Stimmen, böse AfD-Stimmen

„Tabubruch“, „Demokratiegefährdung!“ – linke Kommentatoren überschlagen sich, weil die AfD einem CDU-Antrag zustimmte. Als sie AfD im April mit der linken Thüringer Koalition votierte, stand die Empörungsmaschine dagegen still. IMAGO / Jacob Schröter Plenarsitzung Thüringer Landtag, 14. September 2023 „Tabubruch“, gar ein „besonderer Tabubruch“ – die Kommentatoren der Ampel geben sich zusammen mit journalistischen Unterstützern größte Mühe, einen banalen Vorgang im thüringischen Landtag zur Katastrophe für die Demokratie zu erklären. Die CDU hatte einen Antrag zur Senkung der Grunderwerbssteuer in das Parlament eingebracht, in dem die rot-rot-grüne Regierung keine Mehrheit besitzt. Neben der Union stimmten AfD uns FDP für den Antrag, der damit zum Gesetz wurde. „Die heutige Abstimmung im Erfurter Landtag war kein Unfall“, tobte SPD-Generalsekretär Kevin Kühnert: „Die

Details zu Gute AfD-Stimmen, böse AfD-Stimmen

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