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Wie die EKD ihre Glaubwürdigkeit durch Blasphemie und Antihumanismus verliert

Published On: 16. September 2023 19:07

Gott mit uns“ oder „um Gottes willen“ may be an appealing concept for the Islamic Republic of Iran or unfortunately for the EKD when it comes to political issues, but not for a Christian who takes liberal democracy and an undogmatic political discourse seriously. Every year, the Evangelical Church in Germany confidently calls for participation in the „Fridays For Future“ climate strike day in September. This year, the EKD Council Chairperson Annette Kurschus said: „Unrestrained global warming puts the conditions for human life at stake… Therefore, we can and must do everything in our power, now. For the sake of God and humanity.“ The Protestant regional churches and the initiatives „Churches For Future“ and „Christians For Future“ participated in the demonstrations on September 15, 2023 with their own banners and devotions. This sounds very humanistic: „for the sake of humanity.“ This sounds very pious: „for the sake of God.“ Someone is sitting on God’s lap and knows all too well what ethically the only right path is. Mrs. Kurschus had already leaned so far out of the window with her thesis that getting vaccinated with the „side-effect-free“ corona vaccine was a duty of Christian charity that she fell out of the window for people who think evidence-based (The EKD Council Chairperson Annette Kurschus fact-checked). Now she is also going out on a limb with the climate issue. It says a lot about the desolate state of a church when the Council Chairperson is celebrated by many pastors for her audacious statements. Even if one shares her view that human-induced CO2 will soon lead to the destruction of human life on earth, participation in the climate strike can still be seen critically: Is a church call to disregard compulsory education sensible if it weakens brainpower to develop future technologies necessary for an energy transition? Or is it not a problem in view of the German education system if one repeatedly skips school because one learns less there than on the street anyway? Is the immediate phase-out of coal and nuclear power advocated by leading German FFF figures like Luisa Neubauer sensible if it destroys the energy-based prosperity basis of our country and thus lacks the money for environmental policy investments and innovations in the future? Can Germany or the West achieve anything by renouncing fossil fuels if the BRICS countries are going in the opposite direction? Or does the West even promote the consumption of fossil fuels in other countries with a decline in demand and the resulting falling prices? Does the planned phase-out of fossil fuels mean that the producing countries of these fuels will extract their treasure from the ground even faster now so that it does not become worthless in the future, thereby bringing forward the CO2 emissions only temporarily? The EKD Council Chairperson seems unable to imagine that there are climate symbol actions in the FFF movement that may create a clear conscience and a good sense of faith, but that actually do not achieve anything good for CO2 reduction in view of systemic market mechanisms. If Mrs. Kurschus calls for participation in the FFF demonstration „for the sake of God,“ then she must be able to clearly and unequivocally justify with the Holy Scriptures and with Jesus Christ why a Christian must participate in these controversial demonstrations for religious reasons in order to be on God’s side. However, the few critical questions above already show that even a CO2-climate-conscious Christian can view the demonstrations critically, so Mrs. Kurschus‘ statements are blasphemy. Because that is an abuse of the name of God when one unreasonably stifles an open societal discourse by stylizing one’s own political opinion as the only divine path. The third of the Ten Commandments admonishes: „You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God“ (Exodus 20:7), thereby putting political opponents without sufficient biblical or rational justification in the supposedly ungodly sidelines. History teaches us that it has always ended catastrophically for the church when it suppressed important and necessary controversial issues by resorting to God. „God with us“ or „for God’s sake“ may be an appealing concept for the Islamic Republic of Iran or unfortunately for Mrs. Kurschus, but not for a Christian who takes liberal democracy and undogmatic political discourse seriously. Even the seemingly humanistic concern of Mrs. Kurschus turns out to be a smokescreen upon closer inspection. When the EKD Council Chairperson calls on us to „do everything (!) in our power, now,“ it logically leads to the conclusion that the income of all Protestant pastors and church employees in Germany, yes, of all people, must be reduced to the level of social welfare, because a higher standard of living unnecessarily increases CO2 consumption. Yes, even collective suicide can be justified with this statement by Mrs. Kurschus. Man as a producer of CO2 becomes a major disruptive factor in a world that would be much healthier without humans. In my opinion, it is naive when the Kurschus-EKD uncritically throws itself into the arms of an anti-humanist doomsday sect in the name of humanity. Panic-inducing propaganda terms like „climate warming“ and totalitarian statements like „we must do EVERYTHING, now“ do not help, even if leading church officials paint such climate radicalism as pious or humanistic. It is about technical progress processes and delicate balancing processes of the global community of states that reduce the environmental damage that the growing world population of 8 billion people inevitably causes. Advertisement Support If you liked our article: Support this form of journalism

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Wie sich die EKD mit Blasphemie und Antihumanismus unglaubwürdig macht

„Gott mit uns“ oder „um Gottes willen“ mag für die Islamische Republik Iran oder leider auch für die EKD eine reizvolle Denkfigur für politische Themen sein, aber nicht für einen Christen, der liberale Demokratie und einen undogmatischen politischen Diskurs ernst nimmt. IMAGO Alle Jahre wieder ruft die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland im Brustton der hundertprozentigen Selbstsicherheit dazu auf, am großen „Klimastreiktag” von „Fridays For Future“ im September teilzunehmen. Dieses Jahr hörte sich das bei der EKD-Ratsvorsitzenden Annette Kurschus so an: „Die ungebremste Erderhitzung setzt die Bedingung der Möglichkeit menschlichen Lebens aufs Spiel… Darum können und müssen wir alles tun, was in unseren eigenen Möglichkeiten steht, und zwar jetzt. Um Gottes und der Menschen willen.“ An den Demonstrationen am 15.9.2023 beteiligten

Details zu Wie sich die EKD mit Blasphemie und Antihumanismus unglaubwürdig macht

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politische-konkurrent-von-selenskij-steht-unter-dem-verdacht-des-hochverratsPolitische Konkurrent von Selenskij steht unter dem Verdacht des Hochverrats
dhs-verkuendet-anti-vorurteils-ki-richtlinien,-erster-leiter-fuer-kuenstliche-intelligenzDHS verkündet Anti-Vorurteils-KI-Richtlinien, Erster Leiter für Künstliche Intelligenz