geschlechterwahnsinn:-heino-loest-kontroverse-im-live-tv-aus-–-„they’ve-been-sh…-in-the-brain!Geschlechterwahnsinn: Heino löst Kontroverse im Live-TV aus - "They've been sh... in the brain!
umfrage:-20-prozent-der-russen-empoert-ueber-eu-verbot-fuer-import-russischer-autosUmfrage: 20 Prozent der Russen empört über EU-Verbot für Import russischer Autos

Täglicher Irrsinn – Stress oder Sommergrippe? Zwei Bundesminister mit positivem Corona-Test

Published On: 19. September 2023 17:30

19. Sep. 2023 17:30 Uhr „Brave New World“ or just normal madness? Every day, as a media consumer, you are confronted with news from all kinds of topics that a few years ago would have been classified as satire. Here we present a small selection of current cases.

19.09.2023 13:03 Uhr Stress or late summer flu? Defense Minister Pistorius and Finance Minister Lindner both test positive for Corona. In quick succession, tests have shown that Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and his government colleague Boris Pistorius (SPD) have been infected with the Corona virus. The Finance Minister is reportedly showing „mild flu symptoms“. The Bild newspaper reported that, according to information from the Defense Minister, Ukraine is receiving „more ammunition, rockets, armored vehicles“, while Pistorius has only developed symptoms similar to a Corona infection. It further states: „The diagnosis came on Monday evening. Now he cannot personally attend Ramstein, but will send representatives.“ On September 19th, the next so-called „Ukraine conference“ will take place on German soil, but in the US Air Base in Ramstein. At the beginning of September, the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, was absent from a special session on the Schönbohm case due to Corona. The current President of the RKI, Lars Schaade, reassured the dpa: „Currently, almost only XBB subline viruses are circulating in this country. And there is no evidence yet that they are associated with more severe patterns of illness.“ According to a recent Bild survey, about half of Germans do not want to be vaccinated against Corona in the coming weeks. 52 percent of those surveyed stated that they would „refrain from (re) receiving a Corona vaccination, 15 percent do not know yet or do not want to provide any information on this“. Green Party voters, with 49 percent, reveal themselves to be the largest group in favor of further injections, which were also referred to as a „small prick“ by the Federal Ministry of Health in 2021.

08:20 Uhr Refugee crisis 2023: Municipalities are spatially overwhelmed. Now the funeral hall of a cemetery has to be converted. In view of this measure, the question of creativity arises immediately – or whether, in view of the given expectations, the implementation of the federal government’s requirements for asylum policy simply has to result in overload. The broadcaster RTL West reported on September 18th about such a peculiarity from the municipality of Odenthal in North Rhine-Westphalia: „The refugee situation in the municipalities is worsening. More and more refugees have been coming for months. At the same time, there are hardly any more accommodations. Therefore, Odenthal is now resorting to the cemetery. Because the municipality is running out of space. Therefore, refugees should in the future be accommodated in a funeral hall. This accommodation is an emergency solution. About 12 refugees can live there.“ 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 In the municipality of Odenthal in North Rhine-Westphalia, „refugees“ are supposed to be accommodated in the funeral hall on the cemetery in the future. I can’t believe it, I’ve never heard of such a thing before.. 🤬🤬🤬🤬— Jan Dark 2.0 (@Janine38270960) September 18, 2023 For the sake of completeness, it must be mentioned that the funeral hall already had to serve as a refugee accommodation in the 1990s for a short time. Nevertheless, the overall situation in the municipality is such that all other accommodations in the municipality are currently fully occupied and therefore additional space urgently needs to be found.

18.09.2023 18:10 Uhr „Faktenfuchs“ of the Bayerischer Rundfunk reassures its readers. In knife attacks by „non-German suspects“, it can also be tourists or visitors. Hardly a week goes by without one or even several media reports on knife attacks in Germany. The police document these events as the „phenomenon of knife attacks“, due to the noticeable accumulation of migration-related backgrounds and incidents. The broadcaster BR24 now recognizes the danger that „right-wing political groups, activists and politicians“ would try to negatively exploit these reports and counters with a „fact check“. This would now prove: „These data – from the police – are not yet valid. In addition, according to the BKA, it is technically not possible to link recorded knife attacks with the nationality of the suspects.“ The fundamental problem is that the crime statistics of the BKA, LKA Bayern and Federal Police are „not or only partially evaluated according to the nationality of the suspects“. Experts therefore warn against general pre-judgment. The „Faktenfuchs“ and editorial colleagues explain: „The police cannot record the migration background of suspects because there is no legal basis for this. According to the law, authorities can ask citizens for their nationality, among other things, but not for their migration background.“ Depending on the perspective, this results in a reassuring or reassuring situation: „With ’non-German suspects‘, it can also be tourists or visitors who do not live in Germany.“ The violence expert Dirk Baier from the University of Zurich also confirmed: „From a criminological perspective, it must be clearly stated that nationality or country of birth have nothing to do with crime. So they are never causes of crime.“ On the subject of terms used and possibly misleading terminology, it is explained: „Migrants are people who were born abroad and later moved to Germany. Migrants can be naturalized and thus become German citizens under certain conditions. Foreigners are people who do not have German citizenship. This includes stateless persons and persons with unclear citizenship.“

17:20 Uhr „Been Here From the Start“ – BBC blackens British history for children. The children’s program „Horrible Histories“ on the BBC has a song titled „Been Here From the Start

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Der tägliche Wahnsinn – Stress oder Sommer-Grippe? Zwei Bundesminister positiv auf Corona getestet

19 Sep. 2023 17:30 Uhr „Schöne neue Welt“ oder einfach nur der normale Irrsinn? Täglich ist man als Medienkonsument mit Meldungen aus allen möglichen Themenbereichen konfrontiert, die man vor wenigen Jahren noch als Satire verbucht hätte. Wir präsentieren hier in loser Folge eine kleine Auswahl aktueller Fälle. 19.09.2023 13:03 Uhr 13:03 Uhr Stress oder Spätsommer-Grippe? Verteidigungsminister Pistorius und Finanzminister Lindner beide positiv auf Corona getestetKurz hintereinander haben laut dpa beim Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) und seinem Regierungskollegen Boris Pistorius (SPD) Tests eine Ansteckung mit Corona-Viren nachgewiesen. Der Finanzminister zeige demzufolge „leichte Grippe-Symptome“. Die Bild-Zeitung titelte, dass laut Information des Verteidigungsministers die Ukraine „mehr Munition, Raketen, Panzer-Fahrzeuge“ bekomme, während Pistorius zeitgleich lediglich Symptome ähnlich einer Corona-Infektion bekommen habe. Weiter heißt es:“Die Diagnose kam am Montagabend.

Details zu Der tägliche Wahnsinn – Stress oder Sommer-Grippe? Zwei Bundesminister positiv auf Corona getestet

Categories: Corona, Deutsch, Medien, Politik, Quellen, Russia Today, UkraineTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 11
geschlechterwahnsinn:-heino-loest-kontroverse-im-live-tv-aus-–-„they’ve-been-sh…-in-the-brain!Geschlechterwahnsinn: Heino löst Kontroverse im Live-TV aus - "They've been sh... in the brain!
umfrage:-20-prozent-der-russen-empoert-ueber-eu-verbot-fuer-import-russischer-autosUmfrage: 20 Prozent der Russen empört über EU-Verbot für Import russischer Autos