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Klimastrategie 2050: Nur noch 50 Gramm Fleisch täglich

Published On: 20. September 2023 21:34

Von Kai Rebmann

„Pray, free Swiss, pray!“ This line comes from the Swiss Psalm, the national anthem of the Swiss Confederation. But with the often and gladly invoked liberalism, it could soon be over for our neighbors. In recent days, the Federal Council presented the so-called „Climate Strategy for Agriculture and Food 2050“. What may sound quite harmless at first glance, actually has a lot to it. There is hardly anything reasonable to object to some of the defined goals, on the contrary. Who can seriously oppose a self-sufficiency rate of 50 percent, especially from „climate- and location-adapted production“? Or a healthy and balanced diet for the population? After all, „seasonal“ and „local“ have always been the true organic or the most climate-friendly food – no matter what kind of products they ultimately are. However, one should be alert to goals that speak of reducing the ecological footprint per capita by two-thirds compared to the reference year 2020. Or reducing greenhouse gas emissions from national agriculture by 40 percent compared to 1990. Shell game with words: Not banning, but regulating! Whenever it comes to the above-mentioned formulations, they usually hide more or less openly expressed demands for meat consumption reduction. However, green-left lobbyists – and even less so the state as such – do not like to speak of „bans“ in this context, but prefer to use the phrase „regulation“, which ultimately amounts to the same thing. Frank Eyhorn is also one of these word acrobats. In an interview with the „Sonntagszeitung“, the managing director of the „Biovision Foundation“ advocates a maximum limit of 50 grams of meat per person per day. But how do you get the free Swiss to gradually move towards this supposedly pious goal? The expert also suggests a whole range of possible instruments for this. Advertising for meat in general and cheap meat in particular should be restricted or even banned by the state. Eyhorn also criticizes the fact that meat should generally be much more expensive than it already is in Switzerland. Instead of cutting subsidies, indirect costs should also be included in the calculation, such as those caused by climate change, water treatment, or diseases caused by meat consumption – such as antibiotic resistance. Unmasking an ideological fallacy In other words, no factor is left out to calculate the allegedly „true price“ of meat. The „Weltwoche“ summarizes the lobbyist’s statements as follows: „The state must tax all these harmful phenomena and subsidize sustainable alternatives. It needs a long-term oriented food policy that also holds trade and consumption accountable.“ However, if you want to eat healthy and balanced all year round in Switzerland – and not only there – as the Climate Strategy 2050 explicitly demands, you will hardly be able to avoid importing certain goods at certain times of the year. So what about traditionally popular vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers, which are offered from January to December regardless of the local climate zone? Are these the „sustainable alternatives“ that Frank Eyhorn believes should

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Klimastrategie 2050: Nur noch 50 Gramm Fleisch pro Tag?

Von Kai Rebmann „Betet, freie Schweizer, betet!“ Diese Zeile stammt aus dem Schweizerpsalm, der Nationalhymne der Eidgenossen. Doch mit der oft und gerne beschworenen Freisinnigkeit könnte es bei unseren Nachbarn schon bald vorbei sein. Bundesbern hat dieser Tage die sogenannte „Klimastrategie für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung 2050“ vorgestellt. Was auf den ersten Blick noch recht harmlos klingen mag, hat es in Wirklichkeit in sich. Gegen einige der dort definierten Ziele ist vernünftigerweise kaum etwas einzuwenden, ganz im Gegenteil. Wer kann schon ernsthaft etwas gegen einen Selbstversorgungsgrad von 50 Prozent haben, noch dazu aus „klima- und standortangepasster Produktion“? Oder eine gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung der Bevölkerung? Schließlich waren „saisonal“ und „regional“ schon immer das wahre Bio bzw. die klimaschonendsten Lebensmittel – ganz

Details zu Klimastrategie 2050: Nur noch 50 Gramm Fleisch pro Tag?

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