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Angriff aus dem Ruhestand: Gauck beleidigt Millionen Wähler

Published On: 11. Oktober 2023 19:07

Historical amnesia“ – that’s how a retired colleague, who used to live in East Germany, commented on a recent article in Deutschlandfunk titled „‚From CDU to Left Party‘ Gauck advocates for a broad alliance of ‚all democratic parties‘ against AfD“. The mention of a „National Front“ and the idea of a coalition of parties from the Left to the Union against AfD brings back unpleasant memories and concerns for my colleague. The National Front, formerly known as the National Front of Democratic Germany until 1973, was a coalition of parties and mass organizations in East Germany. Its official claim, just as deceitful as the word „democratic“ in the state’s name, was to allow all social groups to have influence on socio-political processes. In reality, it was a tool to discipline the bloc parties and mass organizations and to strengthen the SED’s dominance in the state. Critics see parallels to the bloc parties of the GDR in the harmony of the major parties, from the Left to the Union and FDP, on key issues. While it is not appropriate to equate them, the similarities cannot be ignored: even the Union has castrated itself, allowing only supposedly „constructive criticism“. However, this is nothing more than cosmetic changes to the goals of red-green politics, which the Union and FDP have essentially adopted. Instead of resisting the „woke“ transformation of society, they only want to slow down the pace and perhaps make minor adjustments.

More and more people in Germany see the „Alternative for Germany“ as the only alternative to the red-green all-party front. This has led to increased hatred and hostility towards AfD, which in turn attracts new voters to the party. It is not surprising that the former president, Joachim Gauck, now joins in the chorus of hate from retirement. His statement that „the elites are not the problem, the populations are the problem“ is legendary and reveals his detachment from reality. Gauck continues where he left off with such statements: he said in an interview with „Stern“ magazine that a clear signal must be sent to AfD that they will never come to power. If AfD were to come out on top in the state elections next year in East Germany, all democratic parties would have to come together to prevent them from governing, including the CDU and the Left Party, according to Gauck. This is an unbelievable statement, considering the Left Party’s past, as it has never convincingly distanced itself from the GDR dictatorship. Furthermore, it officially declared itself to be ideologically identical to the SED in order to maintain control over the assets of the SED. It is telling that Gauck, like Steinmeier and others, does not utter a word about the attacks on AfD politicians and the danger they face. It is also incredible that Gauck, like many other politicians, denies that AfD is a democratic party. This reveals him as an anti-democrat. Only an anti-democrat can label a party that has been chosen by millions of voters as „undemocratic“. This statement is also a malicious defamation of these voters. Gauck shares the same mindset as the Greens in Bavaria, who declared after the election: „We invite all democratic parties to develop an emergency plan for democracy with us.“ In other words, in the eyes of the Greens, democracy is in danger if voters do not choose what they are supposed to. Gauck and others do not even realize that they are exposing their own hostility towards democracy and aligning themselves with the intellectual tradition of the GDR.

Gauck said in the interview that liberal democracy must prove itself to be resilient. Apparently, he and a large part of the political-media complex are worried about the upcoming elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg in September 2024. In all three states, AfD is leading in the polls. Yes, liberal democracy does indeed need to prove itself to be resilient. Against its enemies in sheep’s clothing, whether they are Gauck, Faeser, or Lang. Their work against democracy is particularly dangerous because they operate under the guise of protecting democracy, following the tradition of thinking in the GDR. Many people in western Germany are still too naive when it comes to the dangers of red-green ideological politics. In contrast, most East Germans have been „vaccinated“: their „political immune system“ is trained to recognize antidemocratic authoritarian tendencies even when disguised as „promoting democracy“. It is up to you – your support matters! Thank you so much! My deciphering video on Markus Lanz’s methods was blocked three times by ZDF on YouTube. But it backfired. I uploaded it on Rumble in the free internet, and it has been viewed a whopping 6.5 million times. Apparently, the algorithms don’t slow down „critical“ content like they do on YouTube. One reader calculated that more viewers have seen my critical analysis of the show than the show itself. My deciphering video on ZDF’s smear piece about Hans-Georg Maaßen has also been viewed 6.2 million times on Rumble

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Hetze aus dem Ruhestand: Gauck beleidigt Millionen Wähler

„Gauck paktiert geschichtsvergessen lieber mit Täterpartei Linke/PDS/SED und will nach 1989 wieder Nationale Front“ – mit diesem Kommentar schickte mir ein erfahrener Kollege, der heute im Ruhestand ist, einen Link auf einen Artikel im Deutschlandfunk mit folgender Überschrift: „‘Von CDU bis Linke‘ Gauck plädiert für breites Bündnis ‘alle demokratischer Parteien‘ gegen AfD“. Bei meinem Kollegen als gelernten DDR-Bürger ruft das sehr unangenehme Erinnerungen hervor. Und Befürchtungen. Die „Nationale Front“, die bis 1973 noch „Nationale Front des demokratischen Deutschland“ hieß, war ein Zusammenschluss der Parteien und Massenorganisationen in der DDR. Der offizielle Anspruch, der genauso verlogen war wie das Wort „demokratisch“ im Staatsnamen: Sie sollte allen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen Einfluss auf gesellschaftspolitische Prozesse ermöglichen. Die Realität: Sie war ein Mittel, um die Blockparteien

Details zu Hetze aus dem Ruhestand: Gauck beleidigt Millionen Wähler

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