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faz:-„die-gluecklichste-person-auf-der-erdeFAZ: "Die glücklichste Person auf der Erde

UN-SICHTBAR – the new documentary film by Dr. Patricia Marchart and Georg Sabranskay (Part 1) in German: UN-SICHTBAR – der neue Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Patricia Marchart und Georg Sabranskay (Teil 1)

Published On: 16. Oktober 2023 9:13

UN-SICHTBAR – the new documentary by Dr. Patricia Marchart and Georg Sabranskay (Part 1) Published on: October 16, 2023 | Number of comments: 1 comment „If a vaccination cannot prevent the infection itself, but mainly the severe courses, then we also have to consider who we want to vaccinate. In the case of a child or adolescent who really does not have a high risk of severe complications from Covid, we have to weigh this against a certain risk that a vaccination can lead to a serious complication.“ – Prof. em. Dr. med. Pietro Vernazza, former chief physician of infectious diseases, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, https://infekt.ch/author/pietro-vernazza-2/ Eleven young people (between 9 and 29 years old) talk about the serious side effects they experienced after a corona vaccination. They describe how much their lives have changed, how difficult it is for them to get help and recognition, and how difficult it is for their environment and society to openly talk about vaccine side effects. „All infectious diseases carry long-term risks, all drugs have side effects. The long-term health consequences after an infection with the new corona virus are real, and the long-term health consequences after a vaccination against corona are also real. While the former is in the public eye, care facilities are trained accordingly and millions of research funds are dedicated to it, the latter leads a shadowy existence, remains invisible. It is still unclear how many people suffer from the long-term consequences of an infection or vaccination. Much is unknown, many questions are still unanswered. But what we do know for sure is that the affected individuals deserve more attention and societal support. The new film UN-SICHTBAR by Patricia Marchart and Georg Sabransky focuses on those invisible children and young people who have experienced serious health and social side effects as a result of the corona vaccination. It is a gentle film that does not rely on loud tones. The fate of the young people and their families is at the center. Experts in pediatric and adolescent medicine as well as infectious diseases also have their say. It is a film worth seeing, a film that is intended to stimulate thought and initiate discussions. But it is also a film worth supporting, as it was created without subsidies and public funds.“ – Martin Sprenger, doctor and health scientist, Graz For young healthy people, the risk of becoming seriously ill due to an infection with the new corona virus has always been very low. This also minimizes the benefits of a corona vaccination. In contrast, very rare side effects (by definition, less than one case in 10,000 or more treated) can lead to a negative benefit-risk assessment. The rare harm is greater than the minimal benefit. In the second half of 2021, the peak of the vaccination campaign for young people, there were no methodologically high-quality studies for a reliable benefit-risk assessment. The vaccination recommendations for young people therefore varied widely in Europe. However, all vaccination commissions agreed that no pressure should be exerted on unvaccinated children and adolescents. Unfortunately, the reality was different. With the approval of the vaccines in 2021, young people were exposed to enormous pressure to vaccinate. In the field of education, in sports or music clubs, in the community, family, or in another area. Without a vaccination, social participation in life was significantly hindered or no longer possible until well into 2022. This time has left its mark. Both on young people and on our society. Currently, the corona vaccination is hardly recommended for this population group in any European country. Many decisions made back then have been recognized as wrong. Whether it was the closure of kindergartens or schools, the vaccination requirement, or the social exclusion of people who did not meet the 2G rule. It is time for the vaccination campaign for young people and its health and psychosocial consequences to be addressed. „UN-SICHTBAR“ was created in close collaboration with renowned, dedicated people from science and medicine (A, D, CH) as well as numerous young people; so that we can have a conversation and understand each other better again. UN-SICHTBAR – THE FILM Due to the length of the film, two parts have been created: UN-SICHTBAR #1 (9 to 19 years) 80 min.: https://youtu.be/tdnaQllvz50 UN-SICHTBAR #2 (19 to 29 years) 90 min.: https://youtu.be/-3fnDNM8DDk Released: Mid-October on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@schutzfilmkanal ZUKUNFT KINDERRECHTE Trailer for the film: https://youtu.be/zZEonYyZquU Film website: https://www.un-sichtbar.com/ Inquiries & Contact: Verein Zukunft Kinderrechte Dr. Patricia Marchart, filmmaker, [email protected] +++ The article was first published on October 13, 2023 on the YouTube channel of schutzfilm: https://youtu.be/tdnaQllvz50 +++ Image source: schutzfilm / YouTube +++ This article is linked as a recommendation by the editorial team. Please note that the volume of the article may differ from the standard volume of other articles on apolut.net. +++ Apolut is also available as a free app for Android and iOS devices! You can access the stores of Apple and Huawei via our homepage. 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UN-SICHTBAR – der neue Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Patricia Marchart und Georg Sabranskay (Teil 1)

UN-SICHTBAR – der neue Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Patricia Marchart und Georg Sabranskay (Teil 1) Veröffentlicht am: 16. Oktober 2023 | Anzahl Kommentare: 1 Kommentar „Wenn man mit einer Impfung nicht die Infektion selbst verhindern kann, sondern vor allem die schweren Verläufe, dann müssen wir uns auch überlegen, wen wollen wir dann impfen? Bei einem Kind oder Jugendlichen, die wirklich kein schweres Komplikationsrisiko für Covid haben, muss man das in Bezug zu einem gewissen Risiko setzen, dass eine Impfung eben zu einer schweren Komplikation führen kann.“ – Prof. em. Dr. med. Pietro Vernazza, ehem. Chefarzt Infektiologie, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, https://infekt.ch/author/pietro‐vernazza‐2/ Elf junge Menschen (zwischen 9 und 29 Jahre alt) erzählen von den schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen, die bei ihnen nach einer Corona‐Impfung aufgetreten sind. Sie

Details zu UN-SICHTBAR – der neue Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Patricia Marchart und Georg Sabranskay (Teil 1)

rt.de:-ungarns-aussenminister:-zusammenarbeit-mit-russland-im-energiebereich-dient-dem-nationalen-interesseRT.de: Ungarns Außenminister: Zusammenarbeit mit Russland im Energiebereich dient dem nationalen Interesse
faz:-„die-gluecklichste-person-auf-der-erdeFAZ: "Die glücklichste Person auf der Erde