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Etwas tötet Briten genauso schnell wie Covid

Published On: 21. Oktober 2023 8:00

Durch drei verschiedene Methoden zur Analyse der Bevölkerungsstatistik des Vereinigten Königreichs (die offizielle Version, die Fünf-Jahres- und Zehn-Jahres-Sterblichkeitsraten vor Covid nach Monaten) werden zwei Schlussfolgerungen und eine potenziell relevante Beobachtung deutlich. Erstens wurde die offizielle Covid-Todeszahl (230.000) um mehr als das Doppelte überschätzt (bereinigt um den Effekt des trockenen Z

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Something Is Killing Brits as Fast as Covid Did

Corroborated by three different ways of analysing U.K. population statistics (the official version, five-year and 10-year pre-Covid fatality percentage rates by month), two conclusions and one potentially relevant observation, become apparent. First, the official Covid death toll (230,000) was overestimated by more than a factor of 2x (adjusted for dry tinder effects, the true figure was likely 95-105,000). Second, Brits have continued to die at the same accelerated rate as during the first two years of Covid. There have been roughly 80,000 cumulative excess deaths in the 18 months since end-February 2022 (‘excess’ depends on the baseline used), but only 15,000 or so can be realistically attributed to Covid, leaving some 65,000 unexplained excess deaths (~7% of total annual fatalities).

Details zu Something Is Killing Brits as Fast as Covid Did

aktualisierung-des-psur-datenarchivs-fuer-spikevax-3Aktualisierung des PSUR-Datenarchivs für Spikevax 3
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