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Beschämend, traurig und fatal“: Parteien in Rot, Schwarz, Grün und Pink verurteilen den Radikal-Islam nicht!

Published On: 10. November 2023 14:50

Christian Schuch, the club chairman of the FPÖ Favoriten, is appalled by the ignorance of all other parties in the district regarding anti-Israel propaganda by Hamas sympathizers. In a statement, FPÖ Favoriten club chairman Christian Schuch asks, „Is the red-black-green-pink Favoriten unity party flirting with radical Islam?“ This comes after these factions refused to condemn anti-Israel propaganda in the district. Hard to believe, but true: Last Wednesday, the SPÖ, ÖVP, Greens, and Neos rejected a resolution proposed by the Freedom Party that would have condemned the demonstrations in Favoriten, where the terrorist activities of the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas are glorified and anti-Israel propaganda is promoted. Schuch considered this resolution necessary after around 700 people gathered at Columbusplatz in Favoriten on October 14 for an anti-Israel demonstration and distributed glorifying flyers and displayed posters. One banner read, „Israel murders – EU helps.“ However, the Hamas terror against civilians was not mentioned at all. Call for violence against the State of Israel Activists from the group „Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)“ distributed a letter at this demonstration on Columbusplatz, calling for violence against the State of Israel. Point 6 of the letter states: The RCIT reaffirms that the Palestinians will suffer from state terrorism as long as the Zionist state exists! Therefore, we stand for the socialist perspective of a democratic and red Palestine. We support the struggle for the destruction of the Zionist state and the right of return for all Palestinian refugees. Imported anti-Semitism is becoming increasingly visible Such demonstrations have no place in Vienna and in Austria, said the FPÖ club chairman from Favoriten to unzensuriert. The parties are facing the wreckage of their years of misguided „welcome policy“ and illegal mass immigration from the Arab world. Now the result is becoming increasingly visible in Favoriten in the form of imported anti-Semitism, and Red-Black-Green-Pink do not even have the decency to apologize for their irresponsible behavior of the past decades! Apparently, they are afraid that an apology could anger their own voter base, says Schuch. Here is the original wording of the resolution proposed by the Freedom Party Favoriten:

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„Beschämend, traurig und fatal“: Rot-schwarz-grün-pinke Parteien verurteilen Radikal-Islam nicht!

Christian Schuch, Klubobmann der FPÖ Favoriten, zeigt sich entsetzt über die Ignoranz aller anderen Parteien im Bezirk gegenüber anti-israelischer Gewalt-Propaganda von Hamas-Sympathisanten. „Kokettiert die rot-schwarz-grün-pinke Favoritener Einheitspartei mit dem Radikal-Islam?“, fragt sich FPÖ-Favoriten-Klubobmann Christian Schuch in einer Aussendung, nachdem diese Fraktionen sich geweigert hatten, Anti-Israel-Propaganda im Bezirk zu verurteilten. Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr: Am vergangenen Mittwoch hatten SPÖ, ÖVP, Grüne und Neos in der Sitzung der Bezirksvertretung einen Resolutionsantrag der Freiheitlichen abgelehnt, der die Demonstrationen in Favoriten verurteilt hätte, bei denen die terroristischen Aktivitäten der islamistischen Palästinenser-Organisation Hamas verherrlicht werden und Anti-Israel-Propaganda betrieben wird. Gewaltverherrlichende Flugblätter und “Israel mordet”-Plakate Schuch befand diesen Antrag für notwendig, nachdem sich am 14. Oktober am Columbusplatz in Favoriten rund 700 Personen zu einer

Details zu „Beschämend, traurig und fatal“: Rot-schwarz-grün-pinke Parteien verurteilen Radikal-Islam nicht!

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der-alltaegliche-irrsinn-–-„fachgespraech-queer“-in-der-kinderkommission-des-bundestagesDer alltägliche Irrsinn - "Fachgespräch Queer" in der Kinderkommission des Bundestages
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