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Explosiver Vortrag in der Schweiz: FDP-Chef Lindner distanziert sich öffentlich von der Horror-Ampel!

Published On: 20. November 2023 10:15

FDP leader Christian Lindner, who has not prevented the worst in the traffic light coalition but has made it possible, seems to feel much more comfortable in liberal Switzerland than in eco-socialist Germany. In early November, the Federal Finance Minister gave a brilliant lecture at the University of Lucerne, which is now causing a sensation on the internet and makes one wonder why Lindner is still sitting at the Berlin cabinet table? In his speech, the minister gives free rein to his frustration with the forced marriage he perceives with Scholz & Habeck, rejoices in having escaped the ideology-driven politics in Berlin for a day, and dissects the climate madness of the „Greens“. It’s a shame that Lindner did not give this speech in the German Bundestag! The FDP leader had been invited by the „Institute for Swiss Economic Policy“ (IWP) to speak on the topic „Is financial policy still economic policy today?“. However, Lindner prefers to focus on the topic of freedom when greeting the audience in the lecture hall. He describes Germany as „state-believing“, while praising Switzerland as „liberal“. In reference to the Swiss freedom fighter and national hero Wilhelm Tell, Lindner emphasizes that he is pleased to be a guest „in a society where Tell did not greet the Gessler hat (symbol of submission, ed.)“. „Political realities force me“ The coalition with the SPD and the „Greens“ is perceived by the FDP leader as a political forced marriage: „Political realities force me to govern with Social Democrats and Greens.“ He is happy to „breathe the air of freedom“ in Switzerland. But who has ever „forced“ Lindner and the FDP to get into bed with the eco-socialists? Lindner says it almost literally: The „green“ Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock can travel around the world as much as she wants, preach climate hysteria and feminist foreign policy as much as she wants – no one in the Third World and in China wants to hear this nonsense! The highlight of the lecture: The FDP leader dismantles the fairy tale of the oh-so-clean electric car – one of the pillars of the traffic light ideology! He explicitly commits to combustion engine technology. CONCLUSION: Yes, it was a brilliant speech that Christian Lindner gave – perhaps even the best he has ever given. The speech only has one flaw: The German Finance Minister, who is in charge of hundreds of billions of tax euros, has given himself a shocking testimony of poverty! Because, against better judgment, Lindner seems to consider ministerial positions, parliamentary mandates, and official cars to be more important than freely deciding on his own and his party’s political path. After this speech, if it had been sincere, the FDP leader should immediately leave the anti-Germany traffic light coalition! Have you forgotten, Mr. Lindner: „It is better not to govern than to govern badly!“ That was in 2017 during the failed Jamaica negotiations. Obviously, Chancellor Scholz (SPD) is not the only one with amnesia in German politics! The Deutschland-Kurier documents excerpts from Lindner’s speech:

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Brisanter Vortrag in der Schweiz: FDP-Chef Lindner rückt offen von der Horror-Ampel ab!

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner, der in der Horror-Ampel das Schlimmste bisher nicht verhindert, sondern erst möglich gemacht hat, scheint sich in der freiheitlichen Schweiz deutlich wohler zu fühlen als im ökosozialistischen Deutschland. Anfang November hielt der Bundesfinanzminister einen glänzenden Vortrag an der Universität Luzern, der im Netz erst jetzt für Furore sorgt und nach dem man sich fragt, warum Lindner eigentlich noch immer am Berliner Kabinettstisch sitzt?  In seiner Rede lässt der Minister seinem Frust über die von ihm so empfundene Zwangsehe mit Scholz & Habeck freien Lauf, freut sich, wenigstens für einen Tag der von Ideologie getriebenen Politik in Berlin entronnen zu sein und zerpflückt den Klima-Irrsinn der „Grünen“.  Schade nur, dass Lindner diese Rede nicht vor dem Deutschen Bundestag

Details zu Brisanter Vortrag in der Schweiz: FDP-Chef Lindner rückt offen von der Horror-Ampel ab!

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