eine-gequaelte-und-toedliche-erbschaft:-kissinger-und-realpolitik-in-der-us-aussenpolitikEine gequälte und tödliche Erbschaft: Kissinger und Realpolitik in der US-Außenpolitik
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Wie uns die BRICS+, der Afrika-Klimagipfel, die G20 und die UN auf den planetaren Brand vorbereiten

Published On: 3. Dezember 2023 3:18

e indigenous communities and environmental activists will face a whole new set of challenges. The struggle for climate justice is ongoing and requires a combination of grassroots mobilization, global advocacy, and strategic alliances to shift the balance of power and hold elites accountable. The examples of successful movements, such as the anti-retroviral medicine-access campaign in Africa, provide valuable lessons and precedents for what can be achieved when the forces of change align. African activists, leaders, and movements have played a crucial role in the fight for climate justice, and their voices and actions will continue to be essential in challenging the status quo and pushing for transformative change. However, it is important to recognize the complexities and competing ideologies within the climate activist scene, as well as the need for ongoing skepticism towards power structures and narratives that may seek to co-opt or undermine the movement. The struggle for climate justice is far from over, but with continued grassroots activism, strategic alliances, and a commitment to challenging power, progress can be made towards a more just and sustainable future

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How the BRICS+, Africa Climate Summit, G20 and UN Prepare Us for Planetary Arson

Halsey mill, in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair. Elite Stretching Exercises to Warm Up the Conference of Polluters 28 Summary In the months prior to the 2023 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference (hosted in Dubai), summits held by global, ‘multipolar’ and continental-African elites are worthy of consideration in part because their roles are the basis for pessimism about low-income African communities’ ability to withstand further extreme weather events. In the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa bloc, with its new (high-fossil) BRICS+ members from the Middle East, as well as in African Union, G20 and United Nations summiting in recent months, self-interest and internecine competition prevailed. Yet whether in Europe’s new carbon import tariffs or the push for African

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Categories: Counter Punch, English, Quellen, Ukraine, UmweltTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
eine-gequaelte-und-toedliche-erbschaft:-kissinger-und-realpolitik-in-der-us-aussenpolitikEine gequälte und tödliche Erbschaft: Kissinger und Realpolitik in der US-Außenpolitik
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