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Die schwarze Lüge im Herzen von Netto-Null-Energie-Fantasien

Published On: 5. Dezember 2023 8:00

Temperatures sank last week throughout Europe and the wind ceased to blow for several days. Without gas and coal-fired turbines as immediate backup, thousands of people could have died in the extreme cold. However, natural gas is being phased out as a source of electricity across the continent. The problem with the concept of Net Zero energy is that there are no viable alternatives to intermittent wind and solar power, except for oil and gas. Once these sources are removed from the energy mix, as the British Labour party plans to do in the next five years if elected, the elderly and infirm will suffer and potentially die when the electricity grid fails to produce sufficient power. This is not an exaggeration, as Lord Frost highlighted in his lecture on Net Zero earlier this year. He criticized Western governments for pursuing unrealistic and contradictory policies, and warned that the lack of reliable backup for intermittent power is becoming increasingly apparent. However, politicians and the media continue to ignore this issue, which will have dire consequences if the grid collapses in the future.

The idea that wind and solar power can meet most of our energy needs has been sustained by the promise of large-scale battery storage. However, this is a delusion, as current batteries are incapable of storing enough energy to support the grid during periods of low wind. The Royal Society suggested hydrogen as a backup solution, but this is an expensive and impractical option compared to natural gas. The Royal Society’s proposal would require a costly nationwide infrastructure for storage and distribution. The reality is that promoters of green energy often engage in deceptive practices. Channel 4’s ‚climate emergency‘ season, for example, features individuals with limited expertise making misleading claims about the cost and reliability of wind power. Without reliable backup, increasing the number of wind turbines will not make a difference when there is no wind. Last week, wind power only provided 3% of Britain’s electricity. The true cost of Net Zero has yet to be fully understood, as the UK is likely to face a significant energy shortfall if all Net Zero obligations are met. The UK FIRES project warns that the country will have only a quarter of the energy promised by the government and the Climate Change Committee by 2050. This means significant lifestyle changes, including limited personal transportation, freezing homes, and reduced human population. Despite these concerns, politicians and opinion leaders are reluctant to address the issues surrounding Net Zero.

In summary, the push for Net Zero energy in Europe is ignoring the lack of reliable backup for intermittent wind and solar power. Natural gas, which currently serves as a backup, is being phased out, putting vulnerable populations at risk during periods of low wind. Battery storage and hydrogen are not viable alternatives, and the cost of transitioning to Net Zero is likely to be much higher than anticipated. The true consequences of Net Zero, including lifestyle changes and a potential energy shortfall, are being ignored by politicians and opinion leaders. It is time to confront the realities of Net Zero and develop sustainable and reliable energy solutions

Original Artikel Teaser

The Black Lie at the Heart of Net Zero Energy Fantasies

Temperatures plunged last week across Europe and the wind stopped blowing for a number of days. Without gas- and coal-fired turbines coming immediately to the rescue, thousands of people could have perished in the bitter cold. Yet natural gas is being legislated out of existence as a source of electricity across the continent. The black lie at the heart of Net Zero energy fantasies is that there are workable back-ups for intermittent wind and solar. Apart from oil and gas, there are none. Once politicians remove them from the mix – if elected, the British Labour party plans this in barely 60 months – the old and the infirm will shiver and die when a windless electricity grid produces negligible

Details zu The Black Lie at the Heart of Net Zero Energy Fantasies

Categories: DailySceptic, English, Medien, Quellen, UmweltTags: , , , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
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