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Klingbeil und Esken erneut als Doppelspitze der SPD gewählt

Published On: 9. Dezember 2023 4:28

Epoch Times, 8. Dezember 2023 – Lars Klingbeil and Saskia Esken remain the dual leadership of the Chancellor’s party SPD. At the federal party conference, the two were re-elected as chairpersons for another two years. Klingbeil received 85.6 percent of the votes, slightly less than 86.3 percent in 2021. Esken achieved a significantly better result with 82.6 percent compared to 76.7 percent two years ago. The 62-year-old Esken has been SPD chairwoman for four years. In 2019, she and Norbert Walter-Borjans won a runoff against current Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his current Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz. After the federal election in 2021, in which the SPD became the strongest party for the first time in almost 20 years, the 45-year-old Lars Klingbeil joined the dual leadership in place of Walter-Borjans. Until then, he was the general secretary and managed the election campaign from which Scholz emerged as chancellor. Electoral defeats, migration policy, and budget crisis bring unrest In the first two years of their term, the two saw their task primarily as strengthening the first SPD government leader in 16 years in the difficult three-party alliance with the Greens and FDP. However, crushing electoral defeats in Hesse and Bavaria, dissatisfaction with the traffic light course in migration policy, and most recently the budget crisis have brought unrest to the party and led to demands for a stronger profiling of the SPD. Next year, the European elections, three state elections in eastern Germany, and several local elections are scheduled. The big question is: Will the AfD’s soaring and the simultaneous decline of the traffic light continue, which has been exacerbated by the current budget crisis? In the latest polls for the federal election, the SPD only reaches 14 to 17 percent – compared to 25.7 percent in the 2021 election. The three traffic light parties together have dropped from 52 percent in 2021 to 33 to 38 percent in nationwide polls. Klingbeil sees the dual leadership as a „sign of stability“ When announcing his candidacy, Klingbeil described this step as a „sign of stability“ in turbulent times. He and Esken have already achieved a lot together. „But we are not finished yet.“ Esken reminded that in 2019 she became party chairwoman with the goal of winning the federal election in 2021. „I want to make it clear: It is still our goal. We have elections ahead of us that we want to win.“ (dpa)

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Klingbeil und Esken als SPD-Doppelspitze wiedergewählt

Epoch Times 8. Dezember 2023 Lars Klingbeil und Saskia Esken bleiben die Doppelspitze der Kanzlerpartei SPD. Auf dem Bundesparteitag wurden die beiden für weitere zwei Jahre als Vorsitzende gewählt. Klingbeil erhielt 85,6 Prozent der Stimmen und damit nur etwas weniger als 2021 mit 86,3 Prozent. Esken kam mit 82,6 Prozent auf ein deutlich besseres Ergebnis als vor zwei Jahren mit 76,7 Prozent. Die 62-jährige Esken ist bereits seit vier Jahren SPD-Vorsitzende. Sie hatte sich 2019 zusammen mit Norbert Walter-Borjans in einer Stichwahl der SPD-Mitglieder gegen den heutigen Kanzler Olaf Scholz und seine jetzige Bauministerin Klara Geywitz durchgesetzt. Nach der Bundestagswahl 2021, bei der die SPD erstmals seit fast 20 Jahren wieder stärkste Partei wurde, rückte der heute 45-jährige Lars Klingbeil

Details zu Klingbeil und Esken als SPD-Doppelspitze wiedergewählt

Categories: Deutsch, EpochTimes, Politik, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 18
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