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Lauterbach gesteht die Lüge von 2G ein

Published On: 15. Dezember 2023 14:24

Selbst den eigenen Lügen glaubt man nicht mehr. Karl Lauterbach admitted on Thursday that 2G had no basis. However, there are no consequences for this. „We need 2G quickly, nationwide, with regular strict controls and penalties. Only then will we quickly regain control,“ wrote Karl Lauterbach on November 8, 2021. With 2G, countless unvaccinated people would be forced to get the shot, as Austria has shown, he continued on that day. Vaccine lottery a few days earlier, he had stated that „2G is the only option.“ In late September 2021, Lauterbach rambled on: „The vaccine reliably protects against death from Covid. Infections despite vaccination do not change that. That’s why 2G events are those where no one dies despite possible infection. 3G cannot achieve that.“ In mid-September 2021, Lauterbach wanted „strict 2G – also in the workplace.“ For months, Lauterbach has been calling for comprehensive „2G“ in Germany – a de facto vaccination requirement and the exclusion of those who do not comply from public life. However, since the German Minister of Health continues to explain to the masses that the „vaccine“ has saved millions of lives, he has never apologized for his policies. On Thursday, however, he inadvertently made an admission on X. This is how the cold of the state expert for viruses, Isabella Eckerle, commented: „Hopefully we will soon succeed in a vaccine that protects against infection. Otherwise, Covid will remain a kind of lottery for longer symptoms. There is also far too little research on Long Covid so far.“ Of course, it can be said more clearly. But still: Lauterbach admits that the campaign against the unvaccinated was based on a lie. Consequences? Nowhere in sight. The united press does not see the scandal – except for Tim Röhn from Die Welt. He writes: „The admission that 2G, compulsory vaccination, and the promise to protect grandma and grandpa with a jab were based on a lie may be convoluted and late, but there it is.“ That’s not much. The question of consequences is missing. Yet, that would probably be the most important question. Image „Hinweistext 2G COVID-19 Hof 20220216 111807“ by PantheraLeo1359531 is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Our work is funded by donations – we ask for your support. Follow us on Telegram and GETTR Lauterbach’s Long Covid Summit: Vaccine-damaged people excluded Lauterbach’s STIKO purge

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Lauterbach gibt 2G-Lüge zu

Selbst den eigenen Lügen glaubt man nicht mehr. Karl Lauterbach gab am Donnerstag zu, dass 2G keine Grundlage hatte. Konsequenzen gibt es dafür aber keine.  „Wir brauchen 2G schnell, bundesweit und mit regelmässigen (sic!) strengen Kontrollen und Strafen. Nur so gewinnen wir schnell die Kontrolle zurück“, schrieb Karl Lauterbach am 8. November 2021. Mit 2G würde man unzählige Ungeimpfte in die Spritze drängen, das beweise etwa Österreich, erklärte er an diesem Tag weiter. Impf-Lotterie Einige Tage davor hatte er erklärt, dass „2G die einzige Möglichkeit“ wäre. Ende September 2021 schwurbelte Lauterbach: „Die Impfung schützt zuverlässig vor Tod durch Covid. Daran ändern auch Infektionen trotz Impfung nichts. Daher sind 2G Veranstaltungen solche, wo trotz möglicher Infektion niemand stirbt. 3G schafft das

Details zu Lauterbach gibt 2G-Lüge zu

Categories: Corona, Deutsch, Peter F. Mayer, QuellenTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 19
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neuigkeiten-im-fokus:-der-mdr-beleuchtet-den-echten-journalismus-in-bezug-auf-coronaNeuigkeiten im Fokus: Der MDR beleuchtet den echten Journalismus in Bezug auf Corona