gaza:-soldaten-toeten-unbeabsichtigt-drei-geiseln-waehrend-der-kaempfeGaza: Soldaten töten unbeabsichtigt drei Geiseln während der Kämpfe
analyse-des-interviews-zwischen-katharina-fontana-(nzz)-und-nora-kronig-(bag)-vom-5.-dezember-2023:-„frau-botschafterin-kronig,-versuchen-sie-nicht,-uns-zu-taeuschen!Analyse des Interviews zwischen Katharina Fontana (NZZ) und Nora Kronig (BAG) vom 5. Dezember 2023: "Frau Botschafterin Kronig, versuchen Sie nicht, uns zu täuschen!

Kühlschränke“ für Obdachlose, erstklassige Hotels für Migranten

Published On: 16. Dezember 2023 5:55

Flüchtlingsboom in NRW: Luxushotel als Unterkunft“, „Berlin Senate accommodates asylum seekers in luxury hotel“, „Red carpet for migrants: Former hotel turned refugee shelter“, „Popular retirement dance club becomes asylum accommodation“, „MS Ocean Majesty to become refugee shelter“. These are headlines from articles on my website this year. And the list could be extended – for example, with the venerable „Atlas Posthotel“, a hotel in a prime location in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which has become a refugee shelter. All of these examples were probably on the mind of a loyal reader when he sent me a message from Neustadt an der Weinstraße. Cold boxes have now been set up in the Rhineland-Palatinate city. They are intended to save homeless people from freezing to death. My first thought when I saw the picture my reader sent me: They look like coffins. And I can’t imagine lying in such a cold box. The reader sent me the message with the following subject line: „‚Cold boxes‘ for the homeless, luxury hotels for pseudo-refugees“. One can now argue whether the majority of migrants who reach our country are genuine refugees or, as the reader writes, „pseudo-refugees“. Left-wing readers will surely say that the reader’s headline is evil populism. I think: it is legitimate. And it is downright compelling to raise the question that arises from the reader’s provocative headline: Is it fair for a society to accommodate at least some of the newcomers in luxury hotels, while those who have been living here for a longer time and have encountered major problems in their lives have to sleep in cold boxes? What feelings does this evoke in the people of the country? To what extent is this social dynamite? Just to be clear: Thanks are due to the volunteers of the Tagesbegegnungsstätte Lichtblick in Neustadt, who take care of the homeless and set up the cold boxes. They save people from freezing to death. And it is certainly not their fault that they only have the means for cold boxes and not for luxury hotels. „According to the manufacturer, the special cold boxes are waterproof and reach up to 20 degrees higher than the outside temperature – solely through body heat,“ writes SWR. The cold boxes are intended to protect those who cannot, do not want to, or are not allowed to go to emergency shelters, according to the broadcaster. The head of the Tagesbegegnungsstätte is quoted as saying: „It is about the people who have already been in emergency housing in the past, but had bad experiences there and do not want to go back. Or homeless people with dogs. Because no emergency shelter in Neustadt and the surrounding area can be occupied with an animal.“ According to SWR, two of the four cold boxes have already been standing on private property since the beginning of the month. They are currently being used every night. Two more boxes have now been set up. „They are easily shielded by construction fences and also receive a mobile toilet that will be cleaned regularly,“ writes the public broadcaster. As problematic as it is to directly compare these boxes for the homeless with the expensive accommodation for asylum seekers, there is still much reason to think. And the fundamental question remains: Are we doing enough for people who have been here longer and, for whatever reason, have failed, especially in light of the billions we spend on immigrants? CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR CRITICAL JOURNALISM In December 2019, my website was launched. It now receives up to 53.7 million views per month. It addresses topics that even major media outlets cannot ignore. This was only possible thanks to your support! Without millions in taxes and Soros dollars. Despite lawsuits and cease-and-desist letters. With passion, idealism – and sleep deprivation. I am all the more grateful if you also think of my website when giving your Christmas gifts. And thus secure critical journalism that keeps an eye on the government and court reporters. Thank you so much! By credit card, Apple Pay, etc. Alternatively, via bank transfer, IBAN: DE30 6805 1207 0000 3701 71 or BE43 9672 1582 8501 BITCOIN recipient key on request My current videos When the police break down the door of government critics at 6 a.m.: A former police officer accuses the judiciary „The government has kidnapped the judiciary“ – merciless criticism of the corona policy by a lawyer Images: Screenshot Instagram SWR More on the topic on Real estate mogul demands equal rights for the homeless as for refugees Richard „Mörtel“ Lugner has sparked a controversial debate in Austria with provocative statements. In Germany, the fate of hundreds of thousands of homeless people is still a taboo subject. This needs to change. By Kai Rebmann. Berlin Senate accommodates asylum seekers in luxury hotel More and more ordinary citizens fear for their existence, while others make a big profit – such as hotel operators. The completely insane German asylum policy is a slap in the face for all those who pay taxes and social security contributions. How our „climate state“ fails at the climate (in the form of snow) The cold is life-threatening for the homeless in Berlin because there are not enough emergency shelters. The city is spending around 2.6 million euros on gender-neutral toilets with women’s urinals in parks

Original Artikel Teaser

„Kälteboxen“ für Obdachlose, Luxushotels für Migranten

„Flüchtlings-Wumms in NRW: Unterbringung im Luxus-Hotel„, „Berliner Senat quartiert Asylbewerber in Luxushotel ein“, „Roter Teppich für Migranten: Ehemaliges Hotel als Flüchtlingsheim“, Beliebtes Rentner-Tanzlokal wird zur Asylunterkunft, MS Ocean Majesty soll zur Flüchtlingsunterkunft werden. All das sind Überschriften von Beiträgen auf meiner Seite in diesem Jahr. Und die Liste ließe sich noch verlängern – etwa um das altehrwürdige „Atlas Posthotel“, ein Haus in bester Lage in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, das zum Asylbewerberheim geworden ist. All diese Beispiele hatte wohl ein treuer Leser im Kopf, als er mir eine Nachricht aus Neustadt an der Weinstraße schickte. In der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Stadt wurden jetzt Kälteboxen aufgestellt. Sie sollen Obdachlose vor dem Tod durch Erfrieren retten. Mein erster Gedanke, als ich das Bild sah, das mir mein

Details zu „Kälteboxen“ für Obdachlose, Luxushotels für Migranten

gaza:-soldaten-toeten-unbeabsichtigt-drei-geiseln-waehrend-der-kaempfeGaza: Soldaten töten unbeabsichtigt drei Geiseln während der Kämpfe
analyse-des-interviews-zwischen-katharina-fontana-(nzz)-und-nora-kronig-(bag)-vom-5.-dezember-2023:-„frau-botschafterin-kronig,-versuchen-sie-nicht,-uns-zu-taeuschen!Analyse des Interviews zwischen Katharina Fontana (NZZ) und Nora Kronig (BAG) vom 5. Dezember 2023: "Frau Botschafterin Kronig, versuchen Sie nicht, uns zu täuschen!