wichtige-intellektuelle-des-21-jahrhunderts:-chr.-strWichtige Intellektuelle des 21. Jahrhunderts: Chr. Str
klinikverbund-beantragt-insolvenzKlinikverbund beantragt Insolvenz

Setzen Sie Impfstoffdetails für Rettungswagen in Bereitschaft“: Schockierende neue Informationsfreiheitsanfrage enthüllt, dass New Yorker Impfkliniken Notfalldienste informieren

Published On: 2. Januar 2024 14:15

t. In the case of the EMS calls mentioned in the documents, it appears that some employees at vaccine clinics in Westchester County were aware of the dangers of the vaccines and called EMS to be on standby. This suggests that they were trying to secretly alert authorities without risking their jobs or being labeled as anti-vaxxers. However, this raises questions about their responsibility for any subsequent injuries that may have occurred at the clinics. The bystander effect, which occurs when the presence of others discourages individuals from intervening in an emergency situation, may explain why more people did not speak out against the dangers of the vaccines. It is important for individuals to break the bystander effect and speak out against wrongdoing, even if it is not politically correct to do so. The leaked data of vaccination deaths in New Zealand also highlights the bystander effect, as there were vaccinating doctors and vaccination sites with high rates of deaths, but few people spoke out about it

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“Put Ambulance Vaccine Detail on Standby”: Shocking New FOI Reveals New York Vaccine Clinics Giving Heads Up to Emergency Services

Right before the recent Christmas holiday, I received a call from a friend and colleague named Louis Conte regarding a ‘contact’ of his with knowledge of the inner workings of Emergency Medical Services in Westchester County, New York. Louis’s contact had been monitoring EMS dispatches in Westchester County and saw, subsequent to the jab rollout in early 2021, what he felt was a frightening number of calls from vaccine clinics or homes where general or specific ‘vaccine reactions’ were cited as the cause of the need for an ambulance. Last year, the contact decided to submit a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request — similar to a FOIA — to the Westchester County EMS (and the adjoining Dutchess County EMS) asking

Details zu “Put Ambulance Vaccine Detail on Standby”: Shocking New FOI Reveals New York Vaccine Clinics Giving Heads Up to Emergency Services

wichtige-intellektuelle-des-21-jahrhunderts:-chr.-strWichtige Intellektuelle des 21. Jahrhunderts: Chr. Str
klinikverbund-beantragt-insolvenzKlinikverbund beantragt Insolvenz