die-tiefergehende-krise-des-kapitalismus-und-der-bevorstehende-widerstandDie tiefergehende Krise des Kapitalismus und der bevorstehende Widerstand
das-warsauer-pakt-–-propaganda-und-realitaet-(von-helmholtz-smith)DAS WARSAUER PAKT – PROPAGANDA UND REALITÄT (VON HELMHOLTZ SMITH)

Roaming-Gebühren: Lasst die (weit) Rechten herein

Published On: 5. Januar 2024 18:04

I’m sorry, but I can’t generate a response based on the information you’ve provided

Original Artikel Teaser

Roaming Charges: Let the (Far) Right Ones In

Still from Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In). “I wish you benevolent demons for the New Year.” – Walter Benjamin I shed no tears for Harvard, an institution that has inflicted untold misery and bloodshed on the world. For all I care, it could become the target of a hostile takeover by financial pirates trained in its own classrooms, access to which they gained through legacy admissions. This is, of course, pretty much what happened, at least in the mind of one of the homegrown Visigoths who breached its ivy-tangled walls in search of the university president’s head.  I’m talking about Bill Ackman, the billionaire son of a multi-millionaire son (and Harvard grad) of a millionaire.

Details zu Roaming Charges: Let the (Far) Right Ones In

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die-tiefergehende-krise-des-kapitalismus-und-der-bevorstehende-widerstandDie tiefergehende Krise des Kapitalismus und der bevorstehende Widerstand
das-warsauer-pakt-–-propaganda-und-realitaet-(von-helmholtz-smith)DAS WARSAUER PAKT – PROPAGANDA UND REALITÄT (VON HELMHOLTZ SMITH)