roaming-gebuehren:-lasst-die-(extrem)-rechten-hereinRoaming-Gebühren: Lasst die (extrem) Rechten herein
die-drei-bedeutenden-fehler-der-ampel-regierung-|-ein-kommentar-von-peter-felser-(afd)Die drei bedeutenden Fehler der Ampel-Regierung | Ein Kommentar von Peter Felser (AfD)

Schuldig wie angeklagt

Published On: 5. Januar 2024 13:46

ve a future if it is „empty of people.“ These statements, along with the actions of the Israeli government, clearly demonstrate a complete disregard for international law and human rights.

The crimes committed by Israel in Gaza are not isolated incidents, but rather part of a long history of oppression and violence against the Palestinian people. The occupation of Palestinian land, the construction of illegal settlements, and the blockade of Gaza are all clear violations of international law. The indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the targeting of hospitals and schools, and the killing of innocent men, women, and children are all war crimes.

It is clear that Israel is not interested in a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict. They continue to expand their settlements, demolish Palestinian homes, and deny the basic rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. The international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions and support the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and justice.

The global village must speak out against these crimes and demand an end to the occupation and the blockade of Gaza. We must support the Palestinian people in their fight for self-determination and hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law. Only through international pressure and solidarity can we hope to bring about a just and lasting peace in the region

Original Artikel Teaser

Guilty as Charged

Is it too much to ask to hear your grandchildren’s giggle as they chase butterflies in fields while your mind’s eye journeys back to olive groves seeded for time immemorial by winds of warmth? Is it too much to ask to joyfully dance Al-Sha’rawiyya or Dabke niswaniyyah while flirting with Ai’sha or Mohamed as they peek away in blush? Is it too much to ask for children to be left uncaring to chase waves in peace while the sun sets over the shore and mussakhan readies for them to adore in the tabun? This is Palestine … in all its shining beauty …. in all its history … in all its age-old smile and gift. Today in Gaza: With Israel

Details zu Guilty as Charged

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roaming-gebuehren:-lasst-die-(extrem)-rechten-hereinRoaming-Gebühren: Lasst die (extrem) Rechten herein
die-drei-bedeutenden-fehler-der-ampel-regierung-|-ein-kommentar-von-peter-felser-(afd)Die drei bedeutenden Fehler der Ampel-Regierung | Ein Kommentar von Peter Felser (AfD)