eine-abwertung-von-apple-koennte-zu-einem-zusammenbruch-im-technologiebereich-fuehrenEine Abwertung von Apple könnte zu einem Zusammenbruch im Technologiebereich führen
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Das Projekt Blue Beam der NASA – erzählt von Serge Monast

Published On: 6. Januar 2024 13:25

ind a way to induce a precise frequency of electromagnetic radiation into the human brain, it could be used to control and manipulate thoughts and behavior. This technology could be used to create a New World Religion and to reshape society so that individuals are trained from birth to conform to societal norms. The United Nations may play a role in re-educating individuals who have anti-social behavior or beliefs. The technology described includes the use of electromagnetic radiation at extremely low frequencies (ELF) to torture and control individuals from a distance. This radiation can induce total sensory deprivation and block an individual’s ability to think. Microwave technology can also be used to broadcast audible voices directly into the brain, creating the illusion of hearing voices. This technology has been used in experiments and has been studied by the CIA. It has also been used to influence politics, such as impeding a presidential candidate’s public speaking performance. The article suggests that these mind control technologies could be used in the NASA Blue Beam Project to implement a New World Religion

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NASA’s Project Blue Beam – as told by Serge Monast.

Did You Know? Many of us so called “conspiracy theorists” have been made aware of the technology to beam holographic images into thin air that can trick us into believing that they are real. We have been warned that they will, at some point be used by the globalist cult in order to terrorise the world population into a submissive state in order for them to be able to enact the next stage in their New World Order. This pre planned event has been termed Project Blue Beam and was allegedly first brought to light by the French-Canadian journalist, Serge Monast. Monast was an investigative journalist in the 1980s and covered topics such as medical experiments that influenced human thinking

Details zu NASA’s Project Blue Beam – as told by Serge Monast.

Categories: English, Politik, Quellen, The Expose BlogTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 10
eine-abwertung-von-apple-koennte-zu-einem-zusammenbruch-im-technologiebereich-fuehrenEine Abwertung von Apple könnte zu einem Zusammenbruch im Technologiebereich führen
kaisermuehlen-blues“-ist-voellig-veraltet-und-enthaelt-fpoe-kritikKaisermühlen Blues" ist völlig veraltet und enthält FPÖ-Kritik