israelischer-minister-sagt-blinken,-dass-druck-auf-den-iran-„kritisch“-ist,-um-eine-regionale-eskalation-zu-verhindernIsraelischer Minister sagt Blinken, dass Druck auf den Iran "kritisch" ist, um eine regionale Eskalation zu verhindern
rotes-meer-ist-heute-die-arena-fuer-den-zusammenstoss-der-afrikanisch-arabischen-machtspieleRotes Meer ist heute die Arena für den Zusammenstoß der afrikanisch-arabischen Machtspiele

Navalny berichtet, dass er in Einzelhaft in einem arktischen Gefängnis festgehalten wird

Published On: 9. Januar 2024 17:39

Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was recently transferred to a remote colony above the Arctic Circle, announced on Tuesday that he had been placed in solitary confinement. Navalny’s allies claim that the Kremlin is attempting to further isolate the prominent politician ahead of elections that are expected to secure Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth term in power. „I have been given seven days in SHIZO,“ Navalny stated, referring to the punishment cell in Russian prisons. Navalny frequently complains of harassment by prison authorities, who often place him in solitary confinement for minor alleged violations of prison regulations. This marks Navalny’s 24th time in the punishment cell, where he has already spent a total of 273 days, according to his allies. „The notion that Putin is content with the fact that he has placed me in a hut in the far north and that I am no longer being tortured in SHIZO is not only cowardly but also naive,“ he added.

Navalny gained significant support and led nationwide protests in Russia before being imprisoned in 2021 on fraud charges after returning from Germany, where he was recovering from a poisoning incident that he blames on the authorities. In 2023, his sentence was extended to 19 years on charges of extremism. Navalny arrived at the IK-3 penal colony in late December, which was constructed in the 1960s on the grounds of a former Gulag camp. In his usual dark-humored manner, he remarked that the temperature during his walks in the prison yard had never been colder than -32 degrees Celsius (-25 degrees Fahrenheit) and jokingly stated, „What a delightful fresh breeze that blows into the courtyard despite the concrete fence!“ Officials and non-governmental organizations in Western countries frequently express concerns about his detention conditions.

H2: Alexei Navalny in solitary confinement
Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was recently transferred to a remote colony above the Arctic Circle, announced on Tuesday that he had been placed in solitary confinement. Navalny’s allies claim that the Kremlin is attempting to further isolate the prominent politician ahead of elections that are expected to secure Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth term in power.

H2: Navalny’s imprisonment and protests
Navalny gained significant support and led nationwide protests in Russia before being imprisoned in 2021 on fraud charges after returning from Germany, where he was recovering from a poisoning incident that he blames on the authorities. In 2023, his sentence was extended to 19 years on charges of extremism.

H2: Concerns about Navalny’s detention conditions
Officials and non-governmental organizations in Western countries frequently express concerns about Navalny’s detention conditions. Navalny arrived at the IK-3 penal colony in late December, which was constructed in the 1960s on the grounds of a former Gulag camp. In his usual dark-humored manner, he remarked that the temperature during his walks in the prison yard had never been colder than -32 degrees Celsius (-25 degrees Fahrenheit) and jokingly stated, „What a delightful fresh breeze that blows into the courtyard despite the concrete fence!

Original Artikel Teaser

Navalny says put in solitary confinement in Arctic prison

Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was recently transferred to a remote colony above the Artic circle, said Tuesday he had been put in solitary confinement. Navalny’s allies say the Kremlin is seeking to further isolate the top politician ahead of elections that are expected to easily hand Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth term in power. “I got seven days in SHIZO,” Navalny said, referring to the Russian prison punishment cell. Navalny regularly complains of harassment by prison authorities that regularly send him to solitary confinement over minor alleged infractions to prison rules. This time, guards said he “refused to introduce himself according to the format, did not respond to the educational work.” This is Navalny’s 24th time

Details zu Navalny says put in solitary confinement in Arctic prison

Categories: English, Insider Paper, Quellen, UkraineTags: , , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 15
israelischer-minister-sagt-blinken,-dass-druck-auf-den-iran-„kritisch“-ist,-um-eine-regionale-eskalation-zu-verhindernIsraelischer Minister sagt Blinken, dass Druck auf den Iran "kritisch" ist, um eine regionale Eskalation zu verhindern
rotes-meer-ist-heute-die-arena-fuer-den-zusammenstoss-der-afrikanisch-arabischen-machtspieleRotes Meer ist heute die Arena für den Zusammenstoß der afrikanisch-arabischen Machtspiele