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Verschwinde!“ Finanzminister Lindners Versuch, falsches Verständnis zu zeigen, war ein Misserfolg

Published On: 16. Januar 2024 9:07

10.000 farmers came to Berlin yesterday, Monday, with their tractors to participate in the closing event of their protest week. Hand in hand with hauliers, restaurateurs, craftsmen, and thousands of citizens in general, they had been protesting for days against a policy that goes against the interests of the wider population. „Dear fellow countrymen, dear fellow countrywomen“ Government politicians were invited by the Farmers‘ Association to try to appease the farmers with empty words at events. An endeavor that was doomed to fail. They were met with boos everywhere. This was also the case yesterday for Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. His speech was accompanied by loud „go away“ chants, jeers, and whistles from beginning to end. At the beginning, he had greeted the audience with „fellow countrymen and fellow countrywomen“. Feigned solidarity with rural population Farmers‘ Association President Joachim Rukwied felt compelled to point out that „respect“ demanded listening to the Finance Minister. But what the farmers heard was hypocrisy that only fueled their anger even more. Because while Lindner had harshly criticized the farmers‘ protests just a few days ago and urged them to „turn back“ because they had „lost their way“, he seemed to have suddenly discovered his heart for the farmers overnight. He said he had a sense for the farmers‘ situation and knew the problems of agriculture. However, he did not want to talk about agricultural diesel. Shamelessly, he tried to take advantage of the opportunity to promote the government and himself. He tried to ingratiate himself by saying that he had grown up in the countryside next to meadows and fields and would even muck out the horse stable himself. Therefore, he knew how hard the work was. „Liar, liar“ The arc of his speech then ranged from criticizing the previous government to the war in Ukraine. He lamented that the government had to pay high interest rates for the national debt and that they did not want to incur new debt. The latter was, of course, a lie, because in reality, the traffic light coalition government is looking for a way to bypass the debt brake in order to finance green ideological projects. Lindner continued to proclaim that everyone had to contribute in the difficult situation of the country, including the government. If agricultural diesel were to expire, then the burdens on the farms would also have to expire step by step. But the crowd did not believe him and shouted at him what they thought of him

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„Hau ab!“ Finanzminister Lindners Versuch, Verständnis zu heucheln, ging daneben

10.000 Bauern waren gestern, Montag, mit ihren Traktoren nach Berlin gekommen, um an der Abschlussveranstaltung ihrer Protestwoche teilzunehmen. Hand in Hand mit Spediteuren, Gastwirten, Handwerkern und insgesamt zigtausenden Bürgern hatte man tagelang gegen eine Politik protestiert, die sich gegen die Interessen der breiten Bevölkerung richtet. “Liebe Landsleutinnen, liebe Landsleute“ Auf Einladung des Bauernverbandes durften Regierungspolitiker bei Veranstaltungen versuchen, die Landwirte mit Sonntagsreden zu besänftigen. Ein Unternehmen, das zum Scheitern verurteilt war. Allerorts wurden sie mit Buh-Rufen empfangen. So erging es gestern auch Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) vor dem Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. Seine Rede war von Anfang bis zum Ende von lauten „Hau ab“- Rufen, Gejohle und Pfiffen begleitet. Dabei hatte er die Anwesenden zu Beginn doch brav gegendert mit

Details zu „Hau ab!“ Finanzminister Lindners Versuch, Verständnis zu heucheln, ging daneben

Categories: Deutsch, Politik, Quellen, Ukraine, unzensuriertTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 16
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buhrufe-fuer-die-ampel,-begeisterung-fuer-afd-und-fpoe-in-berlin!Buhrufe für die Ampel, Begeisterung für AfD und FPÖ in Berlin!