bayrischer-afd-politiker-wird-in-dritter-instanz-freigesprochen:-keine-anklage-wegen-volksverhetzung-aufgrund-eines-vergleichs-mit-der-nazi-zeitBayrischer AFD-Politiker wird in dritter Instanz freigesprochen: Keine Anklage wegen Volksverhetzung aufgrund eines Vergleichs mit der Nazi-Zeit
nachdenkseiten:-die-corona-krise-und-der-rueckschritt-der-lehre(r)-im-vergleich-zur-aufklaerungNachDenkSeiten: Die Corona-Krise und der Rückschritt der Lehre(r) im Vergleich zur Aufklärung

Deutschland wird weiterhin durch Waffenlieferungen an Israel und die Leugnung des Völkermords im Nahen Osten isoliert

Published On: 21. Januar 2024 16:56

21. Januar 2024, 16:56 Uhr: Die German Federal Government continues to deny Israel’s intention of genocide and sends weapons. The Global South is concerned about Germany’s stance, especially considering Germany’s past genocides. Maria Zakharova sees a historical continuity in Germany’s support. Germany supports Israel in the genocide case before the International Court of Justice. Germany denies the intention of genocide and intends to supply ammunition to Israel. Initially, it is about 10,000 rounds in caliber 120 mm. Last year, the German Federal Government released anti-tank weapons and 500,000 rounds of ammunition for semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms, according to the foreign policy blog German-Foreign-Policy. In total, after October 7, 2023, the day of the Hamas attack on Israelis, the German Federal Government approved arms deliveries worth a total of 20.1 million euros. With its one-sided support for Israel, Germany continues to isolate itself internationally. Sharp criticism comes, for example, from Namibia. The German Empire committed genocide against both the Herero and the Nama in German South West Africa, today’s Namibia. Namibia’s President Hage Geingob expresses his deep concern that Germany rejects the genocide charge against Israel brought by South Africa before the ICC. „Germany cannot morally reaffirm its commitment to the United Nations Genocide Convention, including remorse for the genocide in Namibia, while supporting an equivalent to the Holocaust and genocide in Gaza,“ German-Foreign-Policy quotes Namibia’s President. He therefore called on the German Federal Government to reconsider its step, because „… no peaceful human being can ignore the bloodbath being committed against Palestinians in Gaza.“ The denial of Israeli genocide by the German Federal Government causes great irritation and concern in the Global South. Russia also criticizes the German Federal Government’s unconditional support for Israel. The spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry reminds the German Federal Government on her Telegram channel that a variety of nations fell victim to the Holocaust and German terror. In this context, she reminds the German Federal Government of the UN General Assembly resolution stating that the Holocaust targeted different ethnicities and social groups. With its support for Israel, German politics would again be selecting based on ethnicity. „Today, 80 years later, the political elite in Germany is again dividing based on national affiliation,“ writes Zakharova. The German Federal Government claims that the genocide accusation – and thus also the charge brought by South Africa – „lacks any basis.“ However, the charge is formulated objectively and substantiated with a large number of evidence. These pieces of evidence also include statements by Israeli government members who have publicly expressed an intention of annihilation. More on the topic – Daly: Without „Butcher“ Biden and „Genocidal Woman,“ Israeli terror would have long been over By blocking RT, the EU aims to silence a critical, non-Western source of information. And this is not only regarding the Ukraine war. Access to our website has been made more difficult, and several social media platforms have blocked our accounts. It is now up to all of us, in Germany and the EU, whether journalism beyond the mainstream narratives can continue to be practiced. If you like our articles, feel free to share them wherever you are active. This is possible because the EU has not banned our work or the reading and sharing of our articles. Note: However, Austria introduced a change with the „Audiovisual Media Service Act“ on April 13, which may also affect private individuals. Therefore, until the matter is clarified, we kindly ask you not to share our posts on social media in Austria for the time being

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Nahost: Waffenlieferungen an Israel und Genozidleugnung isolieren Deutschland weiter

21 Jan. 2024 16:56 Uhr Die Bundesregierung leugnet weiter die Genozid-Absicht Israels und schickt Waffen. Der Globale Süden ist über die Haltung Deutschlands – auch angesichts der früheren deutschen Völkermorde – in Sorge. Maria Sacharowa sieht in der deutschen Untertützung eine historische Kontinuität. Im Genozid-Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof unterstützt Deutschland Israel. Deutschland leugnet die Genozid-Absicht und beabsichtigt, Munition an Israel zu liefern. Die Rede ist zunächst von 10.000 Schuss im Kaliber 120 mm. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr hat die Bundesregierung Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500.000 Schuss Munition für halb- und vollautomatische Handfeuerwaffen freigegeben, berichtet der außenpolitische Blog German-Foreign-Policy. Insgesamt genehmigte die Bundesregierung nach dem 7. Oktober 2023, dem Tag des Überfalls der Hamas auf Israelis, Waffenlieferungen im Wert von insgesamt 20,1

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Categories: Deutsch, Medien, Politik, Quellen, Russia Today, UkraineTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 16
bayrischer-afd-politiker-wird-in-dritter-instanz-freigesprochen:-keine-anklage-wegen-volksverhetzung-aufgrund-eines-vergleichs-mit-der-nazi-zeitBayrischer AFD-Politiker wird in dritter Instanz freigesprochen: Keine Anklage wegen Volksverhetzung aufgrund eines Vergleichs mit der Nazi-Zeit
nachdenkseiten:-die-corona-krise-und-der-rueckschritt-der-lehre(r)-im-vergleich-zur-aufklaerungNachDenkSeiten: Die Corona-Krise und der Rückschritt der Lehre(r) im Vergleich zur Aufklärung