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Die Korruptionsfalle: Wie Europas Establishment die Rechte wieder groß gemacht hat

Published On: 22. Januar 2024 23:05

recent years has centered around the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) itself. In 2019, a video was leaked showing the party’s then-leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, discussing potential corruption schemes with a woman posing as a Russian oligarch’s niece. The scandal, known as „Ibiza-gate,“ led to Strache’s resignation and the collapse of the coalition government between the FPÖ and the ÖVP.

The FPÖ has a long history of corruption scandals, including allegations of illegal party financing, embezzlement, and bribery. However, these scandals have not significantly impacted the party’s popularity, as many voters see the entire political establishment as corrupt.

The rise of corruption scandals in Europe’s political establishment has provided ammunition for far-right parties like the FPÖ, who portray themselves as outsiders fighting against a corrupt system. These parties often propose radical solutions to political problems, which attract voters disillusioned with mainstream parties.

Austria, in particular, has been a fertile ground for far-right movements, given its history and position at the crossroads of Europe. The FPÖ, under the leadership of Herbert Kickl, has been gaining momentum and is currently leading in the polls. Kickl has called for an „EU of the fatherlands“ and has expressed admiration for Hungary’s Viktor Orbán.

The corruption scandals in Austria, as well as in other European countries, have weakened mainstream parties and eroded trust in the political establishment. Voters are increasingly turning to far-right parties, who they see as more authentic and willing to challenge the status quo.

The upcoming European Parliament election and national poll in Austria could have a significant impact on the political landscape of Europe. A big win for the FPÖ could also fuel support for far-right parties in other countries, such as Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Overall, the wave of corruption scandals in Europe’s political establishment has contributed to the rise of far-right and anti-establishment forces. These parties capitalize on public disillusionment with the system and offer radical solutions to political problems. The upcoming elections will be crucial in determining the future direction of European politics

Original Artikel Teaser

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Details zu The corruption trap: How Europe’s establishment made the far right great again

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