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Die südafrikanische Regierung ist moralisch ungeeignet, Israel des Völkermords zu beschuldigen

Published On: 28. Januar 2024 8:00

e cases went unpunished. This lack of justice has fueled the perception that farmers are not safe and has raised concerns about food security in the country.

The issue of farm attacks in South Africa has garnered international attention, with figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump expressing concerns about the situation. However, there is debate about whether these attacks constitute a genocide or if they are part of a broader crime problem in the country.

The South African government maintains that farm attacks are not racially motivated and are instead part of the overall high crime rate in the country. However, organizations like Afriforum and the Freedom Front Plus dispute this and argue that farmers are specifically targeted due to their race.

The lack of reliable statistics on farm attacks and murders in South Africa has made it difficult to assess the true extent of the problem. The South African Police Service stopped releasing separate statistics on farm murders in 2007, making it harder to track trends and assess the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts.

Overall, the issue of farm attacks in South Africa is a complex and contentious one. While there are concerns about the safety of farmers and the potential impact on food security, there is ongoing debate about the motivations behind these attacks and the appropriate response from the government

Original Artikel Teaser

South African government is not morally fit to accuse Israel of genocide

Breaking News With the world’s attention on South Africa’s case at the United Nations’ International Court of Justice it’s legitimate to ask: If South Africa is concerned about genocide in the Middle East, why is it not concerned about genocide, murders and deaths in its own and neighbouring countries? Below we highlight the plight of South Africans and Zimbabweans which, while raising a case of genocide in Palestine, the South African government is ignoring or, worse still, aiding and abetting.  These are in addition to covid crimes against humanity perpetrated by the South African government on its own people. Although you may feel like praising the South African government, spare a thought for its many victims. Let’s not lose touch…Your

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