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Das Vorurteil von Dr. Reiner Füllmich: Eine Analyse des Falls gegen ihn

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 8:06

us circumstances surrounding the loans and the diversion of funds raise serious questions about the integrity of the Corona Committee and the individuals involved. It appears that there may have been collusion and illegal activities taking place, including the diversion of funds and the manipulation of court proceedings.

The decision to discontinue the investigation against Viviane Fischer, despite her involvement in the loans and the gold reserve, raises further suspicions. It seems that there may be a concerted effort to protect certain individuals while targeting Dr. Füllmich.

The actions of the notary who notarized the property sale also need to be investigated. If it is found that the notary violated their duties and acted in a biased manner, they should face consequences for their actions.

The biased behavior of the judges involved in the case is deeply concerning. It appears that they have disregarded legal procedures, ignored exculpatory evidence, and failed to consider important facts that speak to Dr. Füllmich’s innocence. This raises serious doubts about the fairness and impartiality of the trial.

Overall, it seems that there may be a political agenda at play in this case. The targeting of Dr. Füllmich and the attempts to silence his defense team raise questions about the motives behind these actions. It is essential that a thorough investigation is conducted to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served

Original Artikel Teaser

The Prejudice of Dr. Reiner Füllmich, An Analysis of The Case Against Him.

Even before the main proceedings against Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the courts indicate what they intend to do – a short trial and a quick verdict against the critical lawyer and human rights activist: They imposed a muzzle with a penalty clause on a Füllmich lawyer, ignored requests from the defense, disregarded legal deadlines and constructed a case that it doesn’t even exist. Did the verdict come down before the first day of the trial even began? Wolfgang Jeschke. The above has been taken from an analysis of the case against Reiner Fuellmich from Wolfgang Jeschke from Laufpass. As many readers who have expressed concern for Dr. Reiners situation and have asked to be updated I thought that they may find the

Details zu The Prejudice of Dr. Reiner Füllmich, An Analysis of The Case Against Him.

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