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Der Spiegel unterstützt das lettische Rassengesetz

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 15:07

Title: Ethnic Russians in Latvia Denied Full Citizenship Rights and Face Forced Expulsion

Paragraph 1: The situation in Latvia regarding the treatment of ethnic Russians has raised concerns about human rights violations. Ethnic Russians who have lived in Latvia their entire lives are denied full citizenship rights and now face forced expulsion from the country. Surprisingly, major media outlets like Der Spiegel find this treatment acceptable, and the EU, which claims to prioritize human rights, has remained silent on the matter. In a recent article titled „New Immigration Law – Latvia Announces Forced Expulsion of Russians Without Language Skills,“ Der Spiegel reported on the situation in Latvia. Before delving into the article, let’s examine the background of the situation in Latvia.

Paragraph 2: Latvia has implemented a law that classifies ethnic Russians, who have been living in the country for generations, as „non-citizens,“ denying them the aforementioned human and citizenship rights. Furthermore, a new law requires the Russian minority to undergo language tests. Those who fail these tests face deportation, even if they are elderly retirees who have lived in Latvia their entire lives. If a similar law were enacted in Russia, German media outlets like Der Spiegel would undoubtedly condemn it as a violation of human rights, accusing Russia of implementing Nazi-like methods and racial laws to discriminate against and oppress Ukrainians living in Russia. However, when such laws exist in Latvia, a member of the EU, Der Spiegel deems it acceptable.

Paragraph 3: The Spiegel article on this issue employs misleading language to prevent its readers from fully understanding the gravity of the situation, which contradicts the EU’s principles of minority protection. The article consistently fails to mention Latvia’s racial law, which categorizes people into first and second-class citizens, granting full citizenship rights to Latvians while officially designating ethnic Russians as „non-citizens.“ Instead, the article creates the impression that these individuals are Russians who have immigrated to Latvia, rather than people who have lived there for generations. In the introduction, the article states, „To obtain permanent residency status in Latvia, one must prove proficiency in the Latvian language through a language test. Many Russians living there face deportation as a result. Putin criticizes discrimination.“ Later in the article, it mentions that these are people who have been living in Latvia for many decades but conveniently omits their legal status as „non-citizens.“ This deliberate manipulation of language by Der Spiegel aims to influence readers‘ perception of the issue.

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Der Spiegel verteidigt das lettische Rassengesetz

In Lettland werden ethnische Russen, die ihr Leben lang dort leben, die vollen Bürgerrechte verweigert. Nun sollen sie sogar zwangsweise aus dem Land vertrieben werden. Der Spiegel findet das in Ordnung und die angeblich auf Menschenrechte bedachte EU hat nichts zu kritisieren. Der Spiegel hat unter der Überschrift „Neues Ausländerrecht – Lettland kündigt Zwangsausweisungen von Russen ohne Sprachkenntnisse an“ über Lettland berichtet. Bevor wir auf den Spiegel-Artikel kommen, schauen wir uns die Hintergründe der Situation in Lettland an. Rassengesetz in Lettland Stellen wir uns vor, Russland würde ein Gesetz erlassen, dass beispielsweise alle ukrainisch-stämmigen Bürger Russlands als „Nichtbürger“ einstufen würde. Für die Nichtbürger würden zahlreichen Einschränkungen ihrer Menschen- und Bürgerrechte und teils auch ihrer persönlichen Rechte gelten. Sie hätten bei

Details zu Der Spiegel verteidigt das lettische Rassengesetz

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