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Deutscher Geheimdienst bezeichnet führenden Politiker Hans-Georg Maaßen als „rechtsextrem“ für Kritik an Globalismus, der Grünen Partei und Masseneinwanderung

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 18:00

rs, that there are more than two sexes, that there are more than two genders – that is a much more difficult task. And yet, this is what the Greens are trying to do.” The BfV also takes issue with Maaßen’s criticism of mass migration: In an article published on the website on April 7th 2023, your client made the following comments on the topic of migration: “The migration crisis is not a humanitarian crisis, but a crisis of our political elites. It is a crisis of our values, our culture, our identity. It is a crisis of our security, our prosperity, our social cohesion. It is a crisis of our democracy, our rule of law, our freedom. It is a crisis of our future.” The BfV even considers Maaßen’s social media activity as evidence of his right-wing extremism: In a tweet from your client dated January 2nd 2023, he expressed the following opinion: “After all, the federal Government was able to arrest 25 Reichsbürger with over 3,000 police officers and dozens of journalists. The greatest threat to internal security is neither Reichsbürger nor violent migrants, but the incompetent and unwilling politicians who govern us.” These are just a few examples of the extensive surveillance and monitoring that the BfV has conducted on Maaßen’s political activities and statements. The fact that a former high-ranking government official is being targeted in this way for his political views is deeply concerning. It is a clear sign that dissenting voices and opposition to the current political establishment are not tolerated in Germany. The media-political-industrial complex is using its power to silence and marginalize anyone who dares to challenge their narrative. This is a dangerous precedent that threatens the very foundations of democracy and freedom of speech. The case of Hans-Georg Maaßen should serve as a wake-up call to all those who value liberty and democracy. We must not allow the media-political-industrial complex to dictate what is acceptable political discourse. We must defend the right to dissent and oppose the growing authoritarianism in our society

Original Artikel Teaser

German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

I know I have written a lot about German politics recently. I promise to return very soon to other themes, but what is happening in the Federal Republic right now is very important and it deserves attention. While I have a small readership, I must do what I can to help the rest of the world understand the state of politics in my country. We have, quite simply, descended into a DDR-lite regime in the space of less than ten years, without anybody noticing and with the full collusion of the media and the government. I am starting to get a little bit worried. At the start of January, I wrote about the WerteUnion (‘Values Union’), a small faction within

Details zu German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-erdmaennchen-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Erdmännchen - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak
biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-ground-hog-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Ground Hog - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak