biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-erdmaennchen-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Erdmännchen - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak
biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-ground-hog-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Ground Hog - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak

Deutscher Geheimdienst bezeichnet führenden Politiker Hans-Georg Maaßen als „rechtsextrem“ wegen Kritik an Globalismus, der Grünen Partei und Masseneinwanderung

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 18:00

rs, that there are more than two genders, that there are more than two sexes – that’s a much harder sell.” The BfV also takes issue with Maaßen’s criticism of mass migration: In an article published on the website on September 9th 2023, your client made the following comments on the subject of migration: “The fact that the federal Government is not interested in stopping the illegal mass migration to Germany is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting illegal migrants is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting criminal migrants is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting rejected asylum seekers is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of terrorism is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of rape is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of murder is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of child abuse is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of drug trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of human trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of theft is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of fraud is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of assault is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of robbery is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of burglary is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of arson is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of sexual assault is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of domestic violence is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of stalking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of harassment is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of hate crimes is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of honour killings is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of forced marriage is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of female genital mutilation is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of child marriage is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of polygamy is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of animal cruelty is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of environmental crimes is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of tax evasion is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of welfare fraud is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of identity theft is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of cybercrime is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of terrorism financing is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of money laundering is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of drug production is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of arms trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of human trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of child trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of organ trafficking is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of smuggling is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of money counterfeiting is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of document forgery is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of illegal employment is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of benefit fraud is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of tax fraud is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of corruption is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of bribery is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of embezzlement is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of money theft is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of intellectual property theft is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of industrial espionage is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of espionage is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of treason is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of terrorism is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of war crimes is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against humanity is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of genocide is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against peace is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the environment is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against cultural heritage is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against humanity is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the state is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the people is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the nation is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the constitution is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the rule of law is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against democracy is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against freedom is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against human rights is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against justice is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against equality is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against solidarity is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against fraternity is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against liberty is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the nation is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the people is a scandal. The fact that the federal Government is not interested in deporting people who have been convicted of crimes against the constitution is a scandal. The fact

Original Artikel Teaser

German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

I know I have written a lot about German politics recently. I promise to return very soon to other themes, but what is happening in the Federal Republic right now is very important and it deserves attention. While I have a small readership, I must do what I can to help the rest of the world understand the state of politics in my country. We have, quite simply, descended into a DDR-lite regime in the space of less than ten years, without anybody noticing and with the full collusion of the media and the government. I am starting to get a little bit worried. At the start of January, I wrote about the WerteUnion (‘Values Union’), a small faction within

Details zu German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-erdmaennchen-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Erdmännchen - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak
biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-ground-hog-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Ground Hog - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak