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Deutscher Geheimdienst bezeichnet führenden Politiker Hans-Georg Maaßen als „Rechtsextremisten“, weil er Globalismus, die Grüne Partei und Masseneinwanderung kritisiert

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 18:00

rs and that they can choose their gender, that is something that even the most backward village in Africa would not believe.” The BfV also takes issue with Maaßen’s criticism of mass migration: In an interview with the magazine Cicero… your client made the following comments on the subject of migration: “The mass migration of recent years has led to a significant increase in crime, especially in the areas of violence, sexual offences and property crime. This is not a secret, but a fact that is well known to the police and the judiciary. However, politicians and the media often downplay or even deny this connection.” And of course, linking to the wrong websites is a surefire way to be labeled a Right-wing extremist: In a tweet from your client dated February 2nd 2023, he linked to an article on the website of the magazine Tichys Einblick… This article was entitled “The Green Revolution: How the Greens want to change our lives”. The BfV also mentions that Maaßen has been critical of the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is apparently another indicator of his Right-wing extremism. These are just a few examples of the extensive surveillance and monitoring that the BfV has conducted on Hans-Georg Maaßen. The fact that a former high-ranking government official can be targeted in this way for his political views is deeply concerning. It is a clear sign that dissenting voices are not tolerated in Germany, and that anyone who dares to challenge the mainstream narrative will be subject to intense scrutiny and potential punishment. This is a dangerous precedent that threatens the principles of free speech and democracy. The media-political-industrial complex is using its power to silence and marginalize anyone who does not conform to its agenda. It is a chilling reminder of the authoritarian tendencies that exist within our society, and a warning of the dangers of unchecked power. We must not allow this to continue. We must stand up for freedom of speech and the right to dissent, even when it is unpopular or goes against the prevailing narrative. The future of our democracy depends on it

Original Artikel Teaser

German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

I know I have written a lot about German politics recently. I promise to return very soon to other themes, but what is happening in the Federal Republic right now is very important and it deserves attention. While I have a small readership, I must do what I can to help the rest of the world understand the state of politics in my country. We have, quite simply, descended into a DDR-lite regime in the space of less than ten years, without anybody noticing and with the full collusion of the media and the government. I am starting to get a little bit worried. At the start of January, I wrote about the WerteUnion (‘Values Union’), a small faction within

Details zu German Intelligence Agency Brands Leading Politician Hans-Georg Maaßen a “Right-Wing Extremist” for Criticising Globalism, the Green Party and Mass Immigration

biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-erdmaennchen-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Erdmännchen - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak
biden-gibt-gruenes-licht-fuer-operation-ground-hog-–-bombardierung-sinnloser-„ziele“-in-syrien-und-im-irakBiden gibt grünes Licht für Operation Ground Hog - Bombardierung sinnloser "Ziele" in Syrien und im Irak