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Gewalttätige Grüne werden von den Medien nicht als Meldung betrachtet

Published On: 2. Februar 2024 21:44

Katharina Horn, the state chairwoman of the Green Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, apparently intentionally pushed an 80-year-old political opponent down a staircase. A report of assault has been filed against her. However, the media does not find this newsworthy. This once again highlights how the German media applies double standards. Currently, the media is primarily focused on the topic of „protests against the right“ and naturally seizes every opportunity to report on cases where a member of the AfD allegedly or actually made inappropriate statements. The media also never tires of reporting on alleged or actual violence by real or alleged right-wing extremists. However, the media is blind to incidents on the left, as a recent incident in Greifswald shows.

Katharina Horn, the state chairwoman of the Green Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, left the Greifswald town hall on Wednesday after a heated council meeting, where members of a citizens‘ initiative were on the stairs. According to witness statements, Ms. Horn pushed the 80-year-old honorary chairman of the initiative backwards down the stairs with a „bodycheck“. She then tried to leave the scene, but the activists called the police, who were securing a so-called „demonstration against right-wing extremism“ in the immediate vicinity. Videos show that neither Ms. Horn nor the Greifswald mayor cared about the incident or showed any interest in the health condition of the elderly man sitting on the stairs. A criminal complaint has been filed against Ms. Horn. Imagine if a state chairman of the AfD had pushed an 80-year-old activist, for example a climate or LGBT activist, down a staircase in front of witnesses. Would the German media keep silent about it? Or would the incident, especially in times of protests against the right, be widely exploited by the media to provide further „evidence“ that the AfD is allegedly a violent and dangerous party? However, there have been no media reports about the incident in Greifswald, which occurred on January 31st. Only the Ostsee Zeitung, the „relevant“ regional newspaper, published an article with the headline „Incident after council meeting – Greifswald Green politician accused of pushing pensioner: She denies the allegations“. The article states that the man fell. The newspaper suggests that the citizens‘ initiative made up the incident. It says: „Members of the citizens‘ initiative Bürgerentscheid Greifswald now claim on social media that Horn pushed the 80-year-old pensioner. The initiative emerged from the citizens‘ initiative against container villages for refugees last year.“ The newspaper did not interview the victim or the witnesses, instead Ms. Horn was allowed to extensively describe her version of the incident: „Horn describes the situation: ‚There was a group of people in front of the town hall, some of whom were members of the citizens‘ initiative Bürgerentscheid Greifswald. When we tried to bypass the group, an older man stuck out his elbows and tried to block our way.'“ And further: „In the resulting chaos, the man stumbled,“ said the local politician. She could no longer hold onto him. „When I wanted to inquire about his well-being and help him up, I was prevented from doing so by shouting members of the citizens‘ initiative,“ Katharina Horn continues.“ Even though the linked video was recorded after the incident, Ms. Horn’s reaction in the video does not give the impression that she wanted to help the man up or that she was particularly concerned about his condition. Dominik Reichert, my co-host at Anti-Spiegel-TV, is from Greifswald and used to be a regional reporter there, so he still has good contacts there. He interviewed a witness of the incident, you can find the interview here. The old man was lucky because he was not significantly injured in the incident. However, despite this, the ambulance crew called to the scene wanted to take him to the hospital because he had extremely high blood pressure due to the shock and there was concern that he could suffer a heart attack or stroke as a result. However, the gentleman declined. Given his age, it can only be described as pure luck that nothing worse happened. The media cannot claim that they were unaware of the incident. The citizens‘ initiative sent a press release to all major media outlets, but no one in the German media landscape found the (alleged) act of violence by the state chairwoman of the Green Party newsworthy or even worth following up on. Frau Horn is by no means unknown, as the Greifswald District Court imposed a fine of 30 daily rates on her in 2022 for property damage. She had damaged posters of political opponents during the election campaign. I wrote this article not so much about this incident or to deny Frau Horn the presumption of innocence until a court has rendered a verdict. I wrote this article because the incident illustrates the working methods of the German media. The incident once again confirms that the German media follows an agenda instead of reporting neutrally, objectively, and critically. Or do you think that the media would keep silent about such an incident if the perpetrator were not the state chairwoman of the Green Party but the state chairwoman of the AfD, and the victim were an LGBT, climate, or pro-immigration activist? In my new book „Das Ukraine Kartell – Das Doppelspiel um einen Krieg und die Millionen-Geschäfte der Familie des US-Präsidenten Biden“ (The Ukraine Cartel – The Double Game for a War and the Million-Dollar Deals of the US President Biden’s Family), I reveal factual and neutral information based on hundreds of sources about the million-dollar deals of the US President Joe Biden’s family in Ukraine. Given the current events, the question arises: Is a small group of greedy businessmen possibly willing to bring us to the brink of a third world war for their personal profit? The book has just been released and can only be ordered directly from the publisher. You can find the new book here

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Gewalttätige Grüne sind den Medien das keine Meldung wert

Katharina Horn, die Landesvorsitzende der Grünen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, hat offenbar vorsätzlich einen 80-jährigen politischen Gegner eine Treppe hinuntergestoßen. Es wurde Anzeige wegen Körperverletzung gegen sie erstattet. Die Medien finden das jedoch nicht berichtenswert. Wie sehr die deutschen Medien mit zweierlei Maß messen, wird ein weiteres Mal deutlich. Derzeit sind die Medien vor allem mit dem Thema „Demos gegen rechts“ beschäftigt und greifen natürlich jeden Fall auf, in dem sich ein Mitglied der AfD angeblich oder tatsächlich falsch geäußert hat. Die Medien werden auch nicht müde, von angeblicher oder tatsächlicher Gewalt durch echte oder angebliche Rechtsextreme zu berichten. Auf dem linken Auge sind die Medien allerdings blind, wie ein Vorfall aus Greifswald nun zeigt. Katharina Horn, die Landesvorsitzende der Grünen in

Details zu Gewalttätige Grüne sind den Medien das keine Meldung wert

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