russland-ruft-eine-sitzung-des-un-sicherheitsrates-wegen-der-us-angriffe-im-irak-und-syrien-einRussland ruft eine Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates wegen der US-Angriffe im Irak und Syrien ein
lebensbedrohliche“-extreme-wetterverhaeltnisse-erwartet,-die-taylor-swifts-chance-auf-grammy-geschichte-beeintraechtigen-koenntenLebensbedrohliche" extreme Wetterverhältnisse erwartet, die Taylor Swifts Chance auf Grammy-Geschichte beeinträchtigen könnten

Missbrauch und Straffreiheit in den britischen Streitkräften

Published On: 4. Februar 2024 1:54

trained to understand the long-lasting effects of psychological trauma and the toll it takes on a person’s mental health. They try their best to help, but sometimes it feels like they can’t fully grasp the depth of the pain and suffering that comes with complex PTSD.

I wish there was more support and understanding for veterans like me. We served our country, we put our lives on the line, and yet we are left to deal with the aftermath on our own. The system is failing us, and it’s heartbreaking to see so many of my fellow veterans struggling and losing hope.

I don’t know what the solution is, but something needs to change. We need better mental health services specifically tailored to the unique challenges faced by veterans. We need more awareness and education about the invisible wounds of war. And most importantly, we need a society that truly values and supports its veterans, not just with empty words and gestures, but with real, tangible help.

I don’t want sympathy or pity. I just want to be seen and heard. I want my pain to be acknowledged and understood. And I want to believe that there is hope for a better future, not just for me, but for all the veterans who are suffering in silence

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Abuse and Impunity in the UK Armed Forces

Photograph Source: Corporal Rob Kane/MOD – OGL v1.0 There is an underbelly of sexual abuse in this society. It happens in schools, coaching environments, the church, you name it. There are millions of people in this country who were sexually abused as children. I’m one of those people. This underbelly of abuse is all around us, it’s everywhere. Now and again it will make a headline, and then go away. We have had the football association revelations – the hundreds of apprentices who were abused between 1970 and 2000. We know about the forced adoption of 186,000 children from 1948 onwards, including 130,000 who – to ease the country’s financial burden – were taken from their mothers and deported to

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russland-ruft-eine-sitzung-des-un-sicherheitsrates-wegen-der-us-angriffe-im-irak-und-syrien-einRussland ruft eine Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates wegen der US-Angriffe im Irak und Syrien ein
lebensbedrohliche“-extreme-wetterverhaeltnisse-erwartet,-die-taylor-swifts-chance-auf-grammy-geschichte-beeintraechtigen-koenntenLebensbedrohliche" extreme Wetterverhältnisse erwartet, die Taylor Swifts Chance auf Grammy-Geschichte beeinträchtigen könnten