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Vereinigtes Königreich verschärft den Kampf gegen Enthüllungsjournalismus mit neuem Gesetz zur nationalen Sicherheit

Published On: 11. Februar 2024 11:02

The British National Security Act, which came into force in December 2023, grants authorities in London the power to detain, interrogate, and seize the digital devices of individuals suspected of „hostile activity“ on behalf of a foreign power. „Hostile acts“ are broadly defined as behavior threatening to Britain’s national security or economic well-being. The law allows for suspicionless detention and does not require individuals to be aware of their engagement in hostile activity. The Grayzone, a media outlet, was wrongly believed to have a relationship with Russia’s FSB security service, leading to the seizure of their digital devices. The Act is inspired by the US Espionage Act and shares similarities with it. It introduces new criminal offenses with severe penalties and has wide-ranging consequences for freedom of speech. Whistleblowers, journalists, and publishers focusing on national security matters may be at risk of prosecution. The Act aims to prevent unauthorized disclosures and has been used to target WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. The British government’s case against WikiLeaks is based on false narratives, and the Act denies a public interest defense to those who reveal protected information. The law also criminalizes obtaining material benefits from a foreign intelligence service. Critics argue that the Act threatens freedom of the press and should be subject to more scrutiny

Original Artikel Teaser

UK Steps Up War on Whistleblower Journalism With New National Security Act.

Breaking News “UK steps up war on whistleblower journalism with new National Security Act,” according to investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg who explores the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. Writing in the Grayzone, Klarenberg states that “Under a repressive new act, British nationals could face prison for undermining London’s national security line. Intended to destroy WikiLeaks and others exposing war crimes, the law is a direct threat to critical national security journalism.“ Klarenberg reveals that the new law that could land British nationals in prison for challenging the UK’s national security line is already being invoked to intimidate him. His account of his experience which was originally published in the Grayzone has been republished below: UK Steps

Details zu UK Steps Up War on Whistleblower Journalism With New National Security Act.

Categories: English, Medien, Politik, Quellen, The Expose Blog, UkraineTags: , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 13
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